Filing a Claim
Filing an Appeal
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Site Map

>> How a Claim is Filed
>> How a Claim is Processed
>> Registration Procedures
>> Application Form
>> Application Checklist
>> Other Information
>> How an Appeal is Filed
>> How an Appeal is Processed
>> Appeal Forms
>> Steps to Completing a Statement of Appeal – Form 1
>> Other Information

>> Annual Reports
>> 2002–2003
>> 2001–2002
>> 2000–2001
>> 1999–2000
>> 1998–1999
>> Estimates
>> Departmental Performance Report 2001–2002
>> Departmental Performance Report 2000–2001
>> Departmental Performance Report 1999–2000
>> Departmental Performance Report 1998–1999
>> Report on Plans and Priorities 2003–2004
>> Report on Plans and Priorities 2002–2003
>> Report on Plans and Priorities 2001–2002
>> Report on Plans and Priorities 2000–2001
>> Information Bulletins
>> Information Bulletin 1
>> Information Bulletin 2
>> Information Bulletin 3
>> Information Bulletin 4
>> Other Publications
>> Commission Renewal: Blueprint for Change – Strategic Plan
>> Commission Renewal: Blueprint for Change – Operational Plan
>> Policy Making at HMIRC
>> Policy Impact Analysis Statement – Disposal of Withdrawn/Expired (Closed) Claim File
>> Policy Impact Analysis Statement – Sharing an Advice Document with a Claimant
>> Guidelines for Toxicological Summary Requirements
>> Service Standard for Referencing and Summarizing Toxicological Information in Advice Documents and Toxicity Profile Summaries
>> 2005
>> 2004
>> 2003
>> 2002
>> 2001
>> 2000
>> Other

>> Disclosure of Travel and Hospitality Expenses
>> Proactive Disclosure of Contracts Over $10,000
>> Disclosure of Position Reclassifications

>> HPA
>> Regulations Amending the Hazardous Materials Information Review Regulations
>> HMIRA Appeal Board Procedures Regulations
>> CPR
>> CLC

>> Federal Government
>> Provincial and Territorial
>> International

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