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Correctional Service of Canada


Number - Numéro:

Environmental Guidelines

Hazardous Waste Management

Issued under the authority of the Assistant Commissioner, Corporate Services




ANNEX A - Storage Compatibilities of Various Categories of Hazardous Materials
ANNEX B - Example - Institutional Inventory of Hazardous and Special Waste in Storage



Contribute to the conservation of natural resources and the reduction of pollution, through preventive hazardous waste management practices.

Avoid the contamination of the environment and adverse ecological impacts attributed to poor hazardous waste disposal practices.

Prevent the release of persistent hazardous wastes into the environment by reducing the amount of hazardous materials that Correctional Service Canada (CSC) institutions use.



Ensure that the management of hazardous waste generated by the operations of Correctional Service Canada institutions complies with the requirements of applicable federal, provincial and local regulations.

Establish a system for inventorying and measuring the hazardous waste produced and/or stored, in order to gather, record and save reliable, auditable data, thereby allowing for the ongoing monitoring.



Correctional Service of Canada Commissioner's Directive 318 - Environmental Programs.

Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) of the Correctional Service Canada.

Provincial laws and regulations on hazardous waste.

Regional municipality and city handling requirements, by-laws and regulations on hazardous waste.

Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA), 1999.

Fisheries Act, 1985.

Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act (TDGA), 1992.

Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations (TDGR), 1985.

Federal Halocarbon Regulations, 1999.

Proposed Federal Hazardous Waste Regulations (FHWR), [scheduled for 2002-2003].

Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS).

Storage of PCB Material Regulations, 1992.

Guidelines for the Management of Biomedical Wastes in Canada, CCME, 1992.

Code of Practice for Used Oil Management in Canada, CCME, 1989.

National Fire Code of Canada (NFC).

National Building Code of Canada (NBC).

Note: In the absence of specific federal regulations concerning certain hazardous wastes, the federal government should achieve compatibility with provincial procedures governing the management and disposal of residual hazardous materials.




For the purpose of these Environmental Guidelines:

AWMS - Assistant Warden, Management Services.

Contaminant - Any chemical substance or material whose concentration exceeds background concentrations or which is not naturally found in the environment.

CPM - Chief of Plant Maintenance (or Chief of Works).

Environmental Contingency Plan (ECP) - In the spirit of resource conservation and pollution prevention, an ECP consists of a procedure to minimize and mitigate the environmental impacts through rapid response in case of special incidents involving accidental release of contaminants to the environment.

Environmental Emergency - Is an uncontrolled, unplanned or accidental release of a toxic substance or an hazardous material into the environment; or the reasonable likelihood of such a release that may affect the environment, human life or health, or the environment on which human health depends.

EMC - The institution's Environmental Management Committee.

EMS - According to ISO 14004, an EMS provides the framework to help an organization to manage its environmental agenda and to document, evaluate, and communicate its environmental performance. An EMS will assist federal organizations to ensure that major environmental risks and liabilities are properly identified, minimized and managed. At a minimum, an EMS helps institutions ensure that operations are conducted in compliance with environmental laws.

Hazardous waste - Generally speaking, any residual hazardous materials which by their nature are potentially hazardous to human health and/or the environment, as well as any materials, wastes or objects assimilated to a hazardous material. Hazardous waste may be explosive, gaseous, flammable, toxic, radioactive, corrosive, combustive or leachable.

  • According to the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations (TDGR), hazardous waste is defined as a: Product, substance or organism that is dangerous goods, that is no longer used for its original purpose and that is recyclable material or intended for treatment or disposal, including storage prior to treatment or disposal.

Hazardous waste manager - General term meant to include everyone having something to do with the technical and administrative tasks and decisions related to the institutional hazardous waste management.

Reduction at source - Reduction at source is the basic principle of sound waste management. Instead of simply eliminating waste, it aims to prevent the production of waste. The cumulative effect of source reduction has a major impact on long-term waste management. The idea is to develop work habits directed toward reduction of inputs, i.e., reduction of demand in terms of raw materials or material goods and products.

REO - Regional Environmental Officer.

Safe disposal - Disposal of hazardous waste through landfills or incineration must be a last-resort solution. Each time that waste is slated to be landfilled or incinerated, all the possibilities for reusing, recycling and reclamation must first be reviewed. If there is no other viable alternative for recovering residues, safe disposal may then be considered. A safe disposal site is one that has been approved by the appropriate authorities and that has adequate controls relating to containment and/or environmental impact mitigation.

TDGA - Transport of Dangerous Goods Act.

TDGR - Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations.

Toxic - Causing or having the potential to cause adverse effects to organisms or populations.


The Warden, his or her Assistants and the Corcan Operations Managers are accountable to ensure compliance with these Environmental Guidelines.

The Chief, Plant Maintenance will normally be the person responsible for managing and monitoring the application of the Guidelines, so that hazardous waste management and related measurement activities may be conducted and maintained from a central point in the institution.

Heads of each division producing hazardous waste (Works and Maintenance, Corcan Industries, Health Care Services, etc.) are responsible for the handling, storage and safe disposal of hazardous waste produced by their own division.


All the institutional sectors that produce hazardous waste are subject to these Environmental Guidelines.




1. Incinerating or landfilling of hazardous waste on CSC's sites is prohibited.

2. Temporary storage facilities must meet the standards, regulations and provisions applicable to the storage of hazardous materials.

3. Mixing or diluting residual hazardous materials with other materials, hazardous or not, is allowed only if the materials obtained through the mixing or dilution remain residual hazardous materials or hazardous waste.

4. The Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) generally prohibits the release into the environment of toxic substances.

5. The release of waste in open water must also comply with the provisions of the Fisheries Act, which prohibits the release of hazardous substances in water habitats frequented by fish. This Act also provides that: "no person shall deposit or permit the deposit of a deleterious substance of any type in water frequented by fish or in any place under any conditions where the deleterious substance or any other deleterious substance that results from the deposit of the deleterious substance may enter any such water."

6. Hazardous waste may not be transported without a TDGA shipping document (i.e. transport manifest).


7. The CPM will put in place mechanisms and procedures that will allow the ecological management of hazardous waste, and changes in procedures to avoid using hazardous or toxic substances.




1. The CPM will develop written procedures concerning the movement of hazardous waste within the institution from the point of origin to the storage area, and, as the case may be, from the storage area to the collection point for external disposal. The procedures must set out the internal path for the hazardous waste, the equipment required, the staff members designated to handle the waste, and any other pertinent information. They should also focus on minimizing the movement of hazardous waste, particularly in occupied sectors, and on reducing the risk of spills or injuries.


2. Hazardous waste must be contained in packaging that is:

  1. leak-proof;
  2. constructed of materials appropriate to the nature of the hazardous waste;
  3. strong enough to remain intact during handling, storage, transportation and disposal, so as to prevent leaks, spills or injuries.

3. All containers or receptacles used for storing hazardous waste must at all times show clear labels or signs posting unmistakable identification of the contents, the quantity (if possible), and the storage date.


4. Hazardous waste storage locations and methods must comply with the standards prescribed in the applicable codes, including the National Fire Code of Canada (NFC) and the National Building Code of Canada (NBCC).

5. Temporary storage areas for hazardous waste have to fulfill the requirements of a permanent site.

6. Buildings, sheds, cupboards, etc., where hazardous wastes are stored must be identified with appropriate signs both on-site and on plans of facilities.

7. Identification of stored incompatible hazardous materials and waste must be made using Material safety data sheets (as prescribed by the WHMIS), which normally contain information on substance incompatibility. For more information on storage compatibilities of various categories of hazardous materials, refer to Annex A.

8. Access to hazardous waste storage areas must be controlled through appropriate physical barriers or surrounds (walls, fences, cupboards), with doors or gates that are kept locked. Access should be limited to authorized employees only.

9. Storage areas must have the technical controls required by applicable legislation, codes and directives, depending on which hazardous materials are stored in them. These controls may include:

  1. internal fire resistance, fire suppression or containment components;
  2. external ventilation;
  3. secondary containment equipment, catch basins, interception ditches in case of spills, drain inlets;
  4. absorbent materials (spill kits), extinguishers, first-aid kits, etc.;
  5. explosion-proof facilities, accessories and electrical equipment;
  6. where applicable, a refrigeration capacity.

10. Hazardous waste should not be stored in unsheltered outdoor areas, even temporarily, unless it is specified in the NFC, the NBCC or other applicable regulations (e.g., propane gas tanks).

11. Floor surfaces of hazardous waste storage areas must be impermeable and crack-free, so that they may serve as physical barriers in case of leakage from packaging.


12. The CPM will develop and implement a schedule for inspections of hazardous waste storage areas (inspections should be conducted at least once a month).

13. The inspection schedule will comply with the minimum applicable regulatory requirements (e.g., PCB storage sites inspections).

14. Once a year (minimum) an audit of stored hazardous waste will be conducted to ensure that, to the extent possible, stored hazardous waste is disposed of on an annual basis.


15. Institutions must comply with the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act (TDGA) and with applicable provincial regulations concerning hazardous waste handling, transportation and disposal.

16. Where applicable, institutions must contend with the responsibilities to be assumed by shippers:

  1. identify and classify hazardous waste;
  2. package hazardous waste in accordance with security standards and affix appropriate danger labels or signs in the prescribed manner and locations;
  3. complete a transportation manifest in the form proposed by the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations (TDGR) or the applicable provincial regulations and standards;
  4. give the duly completed manifest to the initial carrier;
  5. send a copy of the manifest to provincial authorities;
  6. provide the initial carrier with the required plates.

17. Institutions must only use contractors/carriers who have had experience and are licenced to handle the type of hazardous waste to be disposed of.


Special wastes described below (in alphabetical order) must be managed in accordance with the appropriate requirements.

18. Biomedical wastes / Biohazardous wastes

  1. Biomedical waste management must follow procedures in the CCME Guidelines for the Management of Biomedical Wastes in Canada (1992) and (where applicable) the provincial regulations on Biohazardous/Biomedical Waste Management. For more information, see CCME Publications internet site at
  2. Collect and safely store biomedical wastes and waste pharmaceuticals, and comparable veterinary sharps and pharmaceuticals.
  3. Dispose of contaminated sharps in puncture resistant, labeled, yellow hard-shell biohazard containers stored in a secure area. Periodically dispose of these containers as biohazardous wastes.
  4. Clean-up floor, wall, furniture, etc. areas using sodium hypochlorite or another approved hospital disinfectant, then clean the mops and rags.
  5. Place contaminated bed linens, wound dressings, IV tubes, rags etc. in plastic bags, then place these bags in labeled yellow biohazard bags. Dispose of these bags as biohazardous waste.

19. Construction wastes

  1. Collect, segregate, safely store and dispose of construction hazardous wastes.

20. Degreasers, disinfectants, detergents, solvents

  1. Detergents, disinfectants, degreasers, solvents, etc. should be used carefully and wisely.
  2. Minimize the use of chemical solvents such as varsol, paint thinners, paintbrush cleaners, and dry cleaning liquids, especially in the garage and paint shops, and in Corcan workshops.
  3. Collect and safely store waste degreasers, disinfectants, detergents, solvents and contaminated rags, and periodically dispose of them as hazardous wastes.
  4. Use environment-friendly laundry detergents and other cleansers, floor strippers, disinfectants, pesticides, etc., especially in Institutional Services. For more information on environment-friendly products consult Environmental Choice Program (Eco-Logo certified products) Internet site at
  5. Waste sludge may not be suitable for disposal as ordinary garbage in the municipal landfill.
  6. The sewage plant may not be capable of treating the acidic iron or zinc phosphate solution often used for pre-treatment of steels in institutional metal workshops.

21. Empty hazardous material containers and contaminated rags

  1. In the absence of specific federal regulations or recommendations on the management of hazardous material containers and contaminated rags, the federal government should achieve compatibility with provincial and/or local regulations in this regard. The manufacturer's specifications regarding the disposal of these materials should also be considered.
  2. Collect and safely store empty containers, air filters, rags, etc. contaminated by hazardous wastes.
  3. Periodically dispose of them as required by local regulations.

22. Fluorescent tubes, ballasts and high-density mercury lamps

  1. In the absence of specific federal regulations or recommendations on the management of fluorescent tubes, ballasts and high-density mercury lamps, the federal government should achieve compatibility with provincial and/or local regulations in this regard. The manufacturer's specifications regarding the disposal of these materials should also be considered.
  2. Fluorescent tubes and high-density mercury lamps usually contain enough mercury that used ones are considered to be hazardous waste. They should therefore not be sent to landfills, but rather be recycled by firms that use safe, effective methods.
  3. Fluorescent tube ballasts may also contain PCBs. Environment Canada has produced a guide for identifying them entitled: Identification of lamp ballasts containing PCBs. Those that do should be dealt with in accordance with the recommendations set out below concerning PCB-contaminated wastes.

23. Halocarbons (CFCs, HCFCs, Halons)

  1. Management of halocarbons (CFCs, HCFCs) must comply with the CSC's Environmental Guidelines entitled: Environmental Guidelines - Management of Halocarbons (2002) and the Federal Halocarbon Regulations (1999). See

24. Mercury from dental amalgam waste

  1. The management of mercury for dental amalgam waste should follow the Canada-Wide Standards on Mercury for Dental Amalgam Waste proposed by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (see CCME Website at For more information on Mercury & the Environment consult Environment Canada infonet site at

25. Paint, wood and metal preservatives

  1. Collect and safely store waste wood preservatives and waste paints.
  2. Ensure that alkyd paints, lacquers, chemical thinners, wood fillers, stains, etc. are as environment-friendly as possible. For more information on environment-friendly products consult Environmental Choice Program (Eco-Logo certified products) internet site at

26. PCB contaminated wastes

  1. PCB contaminated waste must comply with requirements and standards set out in the regulations: Storage of PCB Material Regulations at
  2. Collect and safely store waste materials that contain PCBs (polychlorobiphenols).
  3. Arrange for their disposal items after no more than three years storage.

Note: PCBs are mostly found in old fluorescent lamp ballasts and in old electricity transformers, capacitors, etc. Since it is illegal to use PCBs in new products, the prevalence of items containing PCBs will diminish over time.

27. Pesticides and fertilizers

  1. Pesticides must comply with the requirements set out in the Pest Control Products Act (at and the Fertilizers Act (at
  2. When environmental provisions in provincial and/or local regulations governing the use, storage and disposition of pesticides and fertilizers are more restrictive than federal requirements, the federal government should achieve compatibitility with provincial and local regulations in this regard.
  3. For CSC lands in the custody of the CPM, prepare/update annually a comprehensive plan for managing ornamental groundskeeping in a manner that reduces or eliminates the use of pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, and immature sewage sludge or composts.

28. Radioactive materials (smoke detectors, ion scan radioactive components)

  1. In the absence of specific federal regulations or recommendations on the management of radioactive materials, the federal government should achieve compatibility with provincial and/or local regulations in this regard. The manufacturer's specifications regarding the disposal of these materials should also be considered.

29. Treated wood

  1. In the federal government, treated wood management should comply with the recommendations in the CCME document intitled Provisional code of practice for the management of post-use treated wood. See CCME Publications internet site at This document contains, in particular, provisions concerning acceptable and prohibited practices for the management of treated wood wastes.

30. Used batteries

  1. In the absence of specific federal regulations or recommendations on the management of used batteries, the federal government should achieve compatibility with provincial and/or local regulations in this regard.
  2. Recycling of batteries is recommended wherever accredited services (complying with applicable standards and regulations) are available and viable. If recycling is not practical dispose of them as required by local regulations.

31. Used solvents

  1. Depending on the quantities involved, used solvent management must comply with the same general requirements as for hazardous waste, in particular the standards for used oils.
  2. Decanting, reuse, recovery or recycling of used solvents is recommended wherever accredited services or equipment (complying with applicable standards and regulations) are available and viable.
  3. Used solvents should never be stored for longer than one year.

32. Used tires

  1. In the absence of specific federal regulations or recommendations concerning the management of used tires, the federal government should achieve compatibility with provincial and/or local regulations in this regard.
  2. Collect and safely store the waste tires used on all types of vehicles.
  3. Recycling of used tires, or their recovering as an energy source, is recommended wherever accredited services (complying with applicable standards and regulations) are available and viable. If recycling is not practical dispose of them as required by local regulations.

33. Waste oils / used oils / grease / antifreeze

  1. Storage of waste oils in tanks on federal facility sites must comply with the federal storage tank regulations.
  2. All petroleum product tanks located on federal lands, including used oil tanks, must be registered in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the Registration of Storage Tank Systems for Petroleum Products and Allied Petroleum Products on Federal Lands Regulations. For more information concerning the regulations for used oil tanks, consult the CSC's Environmental Guidelines on the management of petroleum storage tanks.
  3. Collect and safely store waste oils of all types and waste antifreeze and other heat transfer fluids.
  4. Used oils must be stored in appropriate tanks suitable for the type of product concerned.
  5. Pump out liquids from the waste oil separator in the garage and grease traps in the kitchen. (Excessive food oils and fats in waste streams can cause problems in sewage treatment or composting facilities.)
  6. Used/waste oils should never be stored for longer than one year.
  7. Arrange for the recycling of grease trap collections by rendering. Arrange for the recycling of used oils and antifreeze to the extent practical, and dispose of the remainder as hazardous waste.
  8. Wherever possible, used oils should be reused and recycled in accordance with suggestions in the Code of Practice for Used Oil Management in Canada, CCME, 1989. See CCME Publications internet site at

Note: Where environmental provisions in provincial regulations governing used oil storage are more restrictive than federal directives, provincial regulations prevail.




1. A register / record must be maintained by the CPM, showing yearly quantities (kg, litres, metric tons) by hazardous waste category [refer to Annex B] and disposal manifests. The data should be integrated into the appropriate section of the Environmental Management System (EMS). Since the hazardous waste measurement/audit process is a repetitive one, tasks related to data collection could be integrated into the institution's Maintenance Management System (MMS), using a sequence predetermined by the CPM. All the documents required in these Environmental Guidelines (audits, measurement data, records, register) must be kept on site for at least five years following the date of issue.


2. Upon request from regional or NHQ authorities, the CPM will submit appropriate inventory, management and disposal data for the period requested (transportation manifests, disposal costs, reports, etc.).

3. It is recommended that the hazardous waste managers periodically provide a report to the Environmental Management Committee (EMC) on the results of the local hazardous waste management program.

4. Any incident involving a significant spill of hazardous waste must be reported in writing within 24 hours. The report must be sent to the CSC's regional and NHQ authorities. The appropriate CSC authorities (usually RHQ or NHQ) will report in writing to Environment Canada in case of major spills.

Note: For more information concerning hazardous material spill interventions and report procedures, consult CSC's Environmental Guidelines on Environmental Emergency Plan.




1. The CPM will coordinate the measures necessary for ensuring ongoing and appropriate training and awareness sessions of the employees involved in hazardous waste management activities.


2. Environment Canada infonet site (The Green Lane) on hazardous waste:

3. Environment Canada infonet site / Compliance Promotion Program, Federal Programs Division - Compliance Promotion Bulletins:

4. Environment Canada infonet site / Compliance Promotion Bulletin (COMPRO no. 2) - Storage of PCB Material Regulations: or Justice Canada infonet site / Storage of PCB Material Regulations

5. Environment Canada infonet site / Compliance Promotion Bulletin (COMPRO no. 4) - Decommissioning PCB Storage Sites:

6. Environment Canada infonet site / Compliance Promotion Bulletin (COMPRO no. 12) - Regulations for the Management of Hazardous Waste:

7. Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA):

8. Pest Control Products Act:

9. Fertilizers Act:

10. Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992: and Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations, 1985:

11. Environmental Choice Program (Eco-Logo certified products) internet site:

12. Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME home page) internet site: or CCME Publications internet site:

13. Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) infonet site - Environmental Guide for Federal Real Property Managers:

14. Canadian Standards Association (CSA) internet site:

Assistant Commissioner,
Corporate Services

Original signed by:
Louise Saint-Laurent


ANNEX A - Storage Compatibilities of Various Categories of Hazardous Materials

The following table identifies the compatibility of various classes of hazardous materials and whether they can be stored together in the same storage building or room. Items are categorized using the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act (TDGA) - Hazard Classification System.

Hazard Classification System

Extract from: Environment Canada, Compliance Promotion Bulletin (COMPRO no. 12) - Regulations for the Management of Hazardous Waste.

For more information on the TDGA's Hazard Classification System (and placards), refer to Transport Canada - CANUTEC infonet site at: where you will find additional information on the Classes of hazardous materials as following:

Class 1 - Explosives
Class 2 - Gases
Class 3 - Flammable liquids
Class 4 - Flammable solids; Spontaneously combustible materials; and Dangerous when wet materials
Class 5 - Oxidizers and Organic peroxides
Class 6 - Toxic materials and infectious substances
Class 7 - Radioactive materials
Class 8 - Corrosive materials
Class 9 - Miscellaneous dangerous goods


ANNEX B - Example - Institutional Inventory of Hazardous and Special Wastes in Storage

Institution:  Location (Building no.): 
Responsible:  Title:  
Phone:  Date (last update):  

Hazardous Wastes
(kg, litres, units)
Storage site
No. Building or premises
Halocarbons (CFCs, HCFCs)   
Used car batteries   
Used batteries (AA, C, D)   
Waste oils/Used oils/Grease   
Paint leftovers   
Past-date pesticides/fertilizers   
Used solvents/degreaser    
Construction wastes (specify)   
Empty hazardous material containers/rags   
Radioactive materials (smoke detectors, ion scan)   
Other (specify)   
Special wastes    
Used tires   
Fluorescent tubes (whole)   
Fluorescent tubes (crushed)   
Treated wood (wastes)   
High-density mercury lamps   
PCB-bearing ballasts   
Other (specify)   
PCB contaminated wastes   


Table of Contents