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Correctional Service of Canada


Number - Numéro:




Issued under the authority of the Commissioner of the Correctional Service of Canada


Policy Bulletin 178

Policy Objectives  |  Authority  |  Definitions  |  Principles  |  Institutional Head's Responsibilities  |  Procedures  ]


1. To establish standards for conducting formal and informal inmate and offender counts in institutions and Community Correctional Centres.

2. To monitor the whereabouts of inmates and offenders at all times.

3. To ensure the presence of a live, breathing body during counts.


4. Commissioner's Directive 566 - Prevention of Security Incidents.


5. Formal count: A process by which each inmate is counted individually, with no movement allowed and resulting in an official record which is maintained.

6. Informal count: A process by which each inmate is counted individually without interference of activities in that area.

7. CCC count: A process by which each resident is counted, normally through sign-in procedures, and resulting in an official record which is maintained. Unlike formal counts, a CCC count does not require that all residents be counted at the same time and does not require that no movement occur during the count.

8. Stand-to count: Count during which the inmate is required to be in a standing position, either inside or outside the inmate's cell or bed location.


9. Inmate counts will be conducted in the least intrusive manner possible while protecting the safety of individuals and the security of the institution.

10. Inmate counts will be conducted in a manner that respects gender, religious and cultural considerations, in particular, with regard to religious and cultural events or ceremonies.

11. Where there are reasonable grounds to believe there is an immediate risk, the safety of individuals and the security of the institution will take precedence over cultural considerations.


12. The Institutional Head shall ensure that a Standing Order is developed to meet the requirements of the institution for conducting formal and informal counts and procedures for discrepancies in the count.

13. The Institutional Head shall ensure that at least four formal counts, one of which shall be a stand to count, are conducted during each 24 hour period. In Community Correctional Centres, at least two CCC counts shall be conducted during each 24-hour period.

14. The Institutional Head shall ensure that a formal count is conducted of inmates and their visitors occupying private family visiting units, at least four times in a 24-hour period, at times that are reasonable and respectful of inmates and their visitors. This count will be visual and without obstruction.

15. The Institutional Head shall maintain a register of all inmates who are confined to the institution. The register shall indicate the inmate's name, FPS number, and cell or bed location.

16. The Institutional Head shall ensure a list is maintained of all inmates on register but not in the institution (i.e. inmates in outside hospital, on temporary absences, conditional release, court order, on bail, in segregation in another institution or unlawfully at large).

17. The Institutional Head shall ensure that a list of inmates assigned to each work or activity area is maintained and updated as required.

18. The Institutional Head shall ensure that appropriate action is taken, in accordance with institutional contingency plans, when an inmate is unaccounted for.

19. The Institutional Head shall ensure that counts in women's institutions are conducted as per the National Protocol on Cross-Gender Staffing.


20. Inmates shall be appropriately clothed during counts. Staff shall make every effort to respect the privacy and dignity of inmates during counts.

21. The officers conducting counts shall ensure that a live body is counted.

22. During a formal count, all inmates shall return to their cells unless otherwise prescribed in a Standing Order.

23. During a formal count, inmates in any location other than a cell or bed location shall be confined to that area until the institutional count is verified correct.

24. Formal counts shall be conducted by two officers.

25. Formal counts shall be recorded in writing and signed by the officers conducting the count.

26. Discrepancies in both formal and informal counts shall be immediately reported to the officer in charge of the institution.

27. The officer in charge shall verify the count.


Original signed by
Lucie McClung


Table of Contents
