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Correctional Service of Canada


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Security Equipment

Issued under the authority of the Acting Commissioner of the Correctional Service of Canada


Policy Bulletin 189

Policy Objective  | Authorities  | Cross-References  | Responsibilities  | Security Maintenance Officer  | Records  | Scale of Issue  | Acquisition of Security Equipment not Included on the Scale of Issue  | Storage  | Disposal of Surplus Equipment  | Firearms  | Loss/Theft of Firearms  | Ammunition Standards  | Equipment Evaluation  | Chemical Agent Disposal ]


1. To ensure public, staff and offender safety through the effective management of security equipment.


2. Paragraph 3 (a) of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act;
Firearms Act
Criminal Code of Canada;
Restricted Weapons and Firearms Control Regulations;
Surplus Crown Assets Act.


3. Commissioner's Directive 041 - Incident Reports;
Commissioner's Directive 600 - Management of Emergencies;
Commissioner's Directive 567 - Management of Security Incidents;
Commissioner's Directive 567-1 - Use of Force;
Commissioner's Directive 567-3 - Use of Restraint Equipment;
Commissioner's Directive 567-4 - Use of Chemical Agents and Inflammatory Sprays;
Commissioner's Directive 567-5 - Use of Firearms;
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and CSC;
Scale of Issue - Security Equipment.


4. The Director General, Security shall chair the National Security Equipment Committee. The Committee will be composed of the Regional Administrators, Security along with representative(s) from the Security Branch and the Women Offender Sector, National Headquarters.

5. The Committee shall meet annually to review and make recommendations to the Assistant Deputy Commissioners through the Assistant Commissioner, Correctional Operations and Programs, NHQ, for the inclusion of security equipment on the Scale of Issue. In addition, based upon recommendations from the Committee, the Assistant Deputy Commissioners shall re-authorize the use of chemical agents and inflammatory sprays (e.g., OC spray) on an annual basis.

6. The Executive Committee is responsible for decisions on major changes to the Scale of Issue or other security equipment. This includes decisions on major policy changes and on the introduction or removal of security equipment with major implications for CSC. Examples of major changes include the introduction of new chemical agents, changes in the caliber of firearm and major new expenditures.

7. The Assistant Commissioner, Correctional Operations and Programs is responsible for final decisions on routine changes to the Scale of Issue following consultations with the regions.

8. The Institutional Head and Staff College Director, with the approval of the Regional Deputy Commissioner, shall determine the types and quantities of approved equipment to be used in accordance with the Scale of Issue.

9. The Institutional Head and Staff College Director shall ensure procedures exist so that all security equipment is in safe working order, can be accounted for at all times and is inventoried and inspected at least on an annual basis. All firearms, ammunition, chemical agents and inflammatory sprays shall be inspected and inventoried on a regular basis in accordance with the Assets Management Information System (AMIS). A copy of the complete inventory of firearms, ammunition, chemical agents and inflammatory sprays shall be sent annually to RHQ.

10. The Institutional Head shall ensure that facilities are provided in the institution for the safe loading and unloading of firearms.

11. The Security Branch, NHQ, is responsible for the daily management of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police on firearms maintenance. It also ensures that all the CSC firearms are recorded with the Firearms Registrar, Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

12. Only the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) shall:

  1. conduct all major firearms inspections and repairs to ensure that the CSC firearms and ammunition are in safe working condition; and
  2. conduct quality assurance testing of ammunition and training on firearms maintenance.


13. The Security Maintenance Officer or a staff member designated by the Institutional Head, where applicable, shall ensure:

  1. the basic care and cleanliness of firearms;
  2. the maintenance and repair of firearms required at the RCMP depots (situated in Regina, Saskatchewan and Orleans, Ontario) in accordance with the National Firearms Maintenance Program;
  3. the rotation and use of chemical agents, inflammatory sprays and ammunition in accordance with expiration dates;
  4. the availability of sufficient operational rounds of ammunition for training on CSC firearms;
  5. compliance with the Master Standing Offer for the disposal of expired gas, inflammatory sprays and containers;
  6. an inventory of all security equipment including chemical agents, inflammatory sprays, ammunition and firearms is maintained at the institution and a copy is forwarded to the Regional Administrator of Security, RHQ, at the end of the fiscal year;
  7. completion of the Inventory Control Record (form CSC/SCC 0767 - Firearms Issue and Control Register) or some other acceptable computerized form as approved by the Assistant Deputy Commissioners;
  8. the maintenance of a written record of all security equipment issued on a routine or emergency basis; and
  9. the maintenance of a register including a full description of each firearm wherever firearms are held.


14. The Regional Administrator of Security shall maintain a master register, including a full description and serial number of all firearms held in the region.

15. A copy of each region's master register shall be forwarded annually to the Director General, Security Branch, NHQ.


16. Only approved security equipment, as cited on the Scale of Issue, shall be used.


17. All requests for equipment not listed on the Scale of Issue shall be forwarded to the Correctional Operations and Programs Sector (Security Branch), NHQ. Security equipment considered to be of potential value to the Service shall be evaluated and added to the Scale of Issue if approved (see paragraphs 6 and 7 above).


18. All firearms, ammunition, chemical agents, inflammatory sprays and related security equipment shall be securely stored in the armoury or another area designated as a sub-armoury.

19. For operational purposes, a limited amount of chemical agents or inflammatory sprays may be stored in security safes located throughout the institution. The amount and location is to be determined by the Institutional Head.

20. In all cases where firearms are stored in an armoury or sub-armoury, they shall be stored unloaded.


21. All security equipment considered obsolete and/or unserviceable, except firearms, shall be disposed of in accordance with regulations cited under the Surplus Crown Assets Act. Firearms shall be disposed of in accordance with established procedures via the RCMP. Chemical agents shall be disposed of in accordance with paragraphs 30 to 35.

22. Security equipment in good working condition and considered surplus shall be reported to RHQ, which may authorize redistribution within the region. If the security equipment is not required within the region, the information shall be forwarded to the Security Branch at NHQ for authorized redistribution to other regions and institutions, as applicable. The institutional inventory shall be amended by the Security Maintenance Officer or delegate to reflect the transfer of surplus equipment.


23. Each multilevel, maximum and medium security institution shall only maintain the types of firearms as cited on the Scale of Issue. This does not apply to the women offender facilities as firearms are not used in those installations.

24. All requests for the acquisition of a firearm by the Institutional Head and Staff College Director shall be determined through the Regional Deputy Commissioner, in consultation with the Assistant Commissioner, Correctional Operations and Programs at NHQ.


25. The Coordinator of Correctional Operations, the Security Maintenance Officer or delegate, or the shipper/receiver and, in the case of a Staff College, the Firearms Instructor(s), shall immediately report any loss or theft of any CSC firearm or magazine in transit to the nearest police authority with jurisdiction, to the Firearms Registrar, and to the contracted bonded carrier. The loss is also to be immediately reported on the Offender Management System and to RHQ.

26. The Regional Administrator, Performance Assurance should be consulted if a discrepancy is found in the inventory of firearms, ammunition, chemical agents or inflammatory sprays to determine if an investigation should be convened.


27. Institutions and Staff Colleges shall only use ammunition which has been tested and approved by the RCMP.

28. The Security Maintenance Officer shall immediately report all ammunition malfunctions to the Institutional Head and Regional Administrator of Security. This information shall then be forwarded to the Director General, Security Branch, NHQ.


29. Each region shall evaluate new security equipment when requested by NHQ. Following the initial testing period, a written evaluation report completed by the institution shall be sent to the Regional Administrator of Security and to the National Security Equipment Committee representative, Security Branch, NHQ. An acceptable period of time for testing and evaluation is usually determined by the region and/or NHQ (see form 1019 in the Scale of Issue).


30. The Security Maintenance Officer, or delegate, shall list all chemical agents and inflammatory sprays that have passed their shelf life or are leaking or are believed to be potentially hazardous, and arrange for their disposal. Following the disposal of such items, the institutional inventory shall be amended accordingly.

31. All chemical agents and inflammatory sprays shall be disposed of by a contractor identified by Public Works and Government Services Canada.

32. The contractor shall attend each major site to pick up the canisters destined for disposal. These products shall be safely stored in approved containers in accordance with Transport Canada regulations.

33. Each bill of lading shall cite the Security Maintenance Officer's direct telephone number, the institutional telephone number for the Correctional Supervisor or equivalent and, the CANUTEC telephone number (613) 996 6666. This is to ensure that expert advice can be provided to the transporter and to emergency personnel in case of a chemical spill during transit.

34. The Security Maintenance Officer, or delegate, shall receive the necessary training and qualification for handling, storing and packaging chemical agents and inflammatory sprays.

35. On an annual basis, NHQ Security Branch will submit to Health Canada and Environment Canada a complete listing of chemical agents and inflammatory sprays that are in use. Chemical agents and inflammatory sprays that do not meet Health Canada and Environment Canada standards shall be immediately removed from use and disposed of.



Original signed by :
Don Head


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