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Correctional Service of Canada


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What is new/changed?

Guidelines 566-8-1 - Use of Non-Intrusive Search Tools and 566-8-2 - Technical Requirements for Ion Mobility Spectrometry Devices have been developed to enhance and clarify the procedures and expectations regarding the searching of staff and visitors. A standardized threat risk assessment and interview process has also been instituted.

Why was the policy changed?

Documentation on searches of persons and the results and decisions taken will be provided to inmates and visitors immediately.

Visitor information regarding searching and search results will only be recorded using the Threat Risk Assessment form and will reside in the Preventive Security file.

As is currently the practice, incident information will continue to be recorded in the Offender Management System under the heading "Other Incident - Threat Risk Assessment".

How was it developed?

GL 566-8-1 on the Use of Non-Intrusive Search Tools (link) and supporting documents were developed following extensive consultation with stakeholders, partners, and operational staff, through facilitated discussions with staff and inmate representatives, and analysis of best practices and recommendations from staff, partners and stakeholders.


Institutional Heads are responsible for:

  • " ensuring all approved visitors receive a copy of the CSC letter "Searches of Individuals Visiting Federal Correctional Facilities" - Annex D of GL 566-8-1) (link); and
  • " designating managers to conduct threat risk assessments and interviews (i.e., Coordinator of Correctional Operations, Correctional Supervisor, Security Intelligence Officer or another excluded manager) using the Designation Letter - Annex C of GL 566-8-1 (link).

The responsibilities of the Coordinators of Correctional Operations (or equivalent in minimum-security institutions) include:

  • " ensuring the proper maintenance, operation and administration of the searching equipment, in accordance with GL 566-8-2 - Technical Requirements for Ion Mobility Spectrometry Devices (link); and
  • " completing and submitting the Monthly CCO Report - Searching and Drug Interdiction (form CSC/SCC 1300-02E) (link).

Designated managers are responsible for conducting interviews and completing the Threat Risk Assessment (form CSC/SCC 1300-01E) (link).

Who will be affected by the policy?

Operational staff involved in visitor security, as well as individuals who are subject to non-intrusive searching upon entry to CSC institutions.

Expected cost?


Other impacts?

Threat risk assessments will be documented and held only on the relevant Preventive Security file, in order to ensure the protection of visitor information.


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