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What is new/changed?

As a result of changes to the National Parole Board (NPB) policy, the Standing Operating Practices on Long-Term Supervision Orders (SOP 700 21) has been revised to reflect new reporting requirements. Several technical amendments have also been included.

In the Correctional Plan Progress Report (CPPR), two new additions to the "Purpose of Report" table ["LTSO - Information Only" and "(753.3) - Charges Laid by Police"] have been created to facilitate the documentation of internal CSC decisions pertaining to the supervision of LTSO cases.

These procedural changes are only applicable to the supervision of offenders on long-term supervision orders.

Procedures Following Breach of Condition(s) / Increase in the Level of Risk

Reporting Requirements

The NPB will no longer review LTSO cases where CSC has decided to maintain the offender's release and/or has cancelled the suspension locally.

In these cases, the NPB's legal opinion is that CSC has already exercised its statutory authority to manage and maintain the LTSO offender in the community which in turn eliminates the decision options by the NPB.

As a result, CSC will no longer be required to submit an Assessment for Decision report for LTSO cases where the recommendation to the NPB is "Release Maintained". In lieu of this report, Parole Officers will complete a CPPR utilizing the "LTSO - Information Only" option as the "Purpose of Report". The CPPR will be used when CSC decides to continue the supervision of the offender in the community and/or to cancel the suspension locally. The CPPR will be completed within 30 days of the Parole Officer receiving information regarding an increase in risk or breach of condition.

Where the police have directly charged an offender under section 753.3 of the Criminal Code before CSC has submitted a recommendation to the NPB for a "lay of information" and/or prior to a decision by NPB, Parole Officers will complete a CPPR utilizing the "(753.3) - Charges Laid by Police" option as the "Purpose of Report".

All other Assessment for Decision reports should continue to be completed and submitted to the NPB in all other circumstances requiring the Board's decision.

Case Conferences

The case conference between the Parole Officer and person with designated authority must be entered in the Casework Record within three working days. This is to ensure decisions following an increase in the level of risk or breach of condition are documented in a timely manner.

NPB Hearing Requirements

There have been recent changes to the NPB policy regarding hearings. While a hearing is normally required to impose a residency condition for LTSO cases, it will now also be required to remove this condition. If the total residency period has reached one year, a hearing will also be held to continue the residency and on the yearly anniversary thereafter.

Technical Amendments

Several minor technical amendments have been integrated to further clarify requirements. These include:

  • integration of relevant cross-references from SOP 700-10 (Post-Release Decision Process);
  • identification that long-term supervision orders can be attached to provincial sentences;
  • clarification of interpretation regarding the maximum time (90-day period) for the committal of an offender under an LTSO suspension warrant (the 90-day period includes the first day of the offender's commitment to custody on the suspension warrant);
  • clarification that form CSC/SCC 1218 is not required for long-term supervision cases with a residency condition;
  • creation of the CPPR content guidelines (Annex C) to reflect the new reporting requirements. The content guidelines contain the same information formerly required in the Assessment for Decision.

Why was the policy changed?

The policy on long-term supervision orders (SOP 700 21) has been revised to accommodate recent changes to the NPB's policy and to further clarify existing requirements.

What is the purpose of the change?

To reflect changes to reporting requirements to the NPB in instances where CSC has decided to maintain the LTSO release in the community and/or cancel the suspension locally, and where the police has directly charged an offender under section 753.3 of the Criminal Code before CSC has submitted a recommendation to the NPB for a "lay of information" and/or prior to a decision by NPB. The Board will no longer be required to review LTSO cases for decision where CSC has already made the decision.

How was it developed?

The policy was revised in consultation with the NPB, regional LTSO representatives, the Correctional Operations and Programs Sector, and Legal Services.


There is no change in accountability.

Who will be affected by the policy?

Parole Officers and supervisors responsible for long-term supervision cases.

Expected cost?

No expected costs.

Other impacts?



Atlantic Region: Peter Wickwire
Quebec Region: Carolina Soulié
Ontario Region: Sylvain Riel
Prairies Region: Dave Chapman
Pacific Region: Dave Keating
NHQ: Suzanne Brisebois


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