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Correctional Service of Canada




Issued under the authority of the Commissioner of the Correctional Service of Canada





Sections 23 and 24 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act


Commissioner’s Directive 540 - Transfer of Offenders
Commissioner’s Directive 542 - International Transfers


1. From sentencing and throughout the entire sentence of the offender, the objective of assessments completed by the community is to provide complete, accurate and quality information to assist in every activity related to the offender's assessment in the correctional process.

2. Assessments completed by the community include:

  1. the Preliminary Assessment,
  2. the Post-Sentence Community Assessment,
  3. the Community Assessment,
  4. the Community Strategy.




3. The Preliminary Assessment process has the following specific goals:

  • orient the offender to the federal system and respond to any questions by the offender;
  • note any immediate and critical concerns;
  • identify, as early as possible, the community contacts and provide basic information promptly to the designated parole office for the completion of a Post-Sentence Community Assessment;
  • identify the release plan and relevant community contacts for completion of the Community Strategy in Accelerated Parole Review (APR) cases serving four years and under and for all other cases serving three years and under;
  • ensure the collection of information for completion of the Intake Assessment and Correctional Plan.


4. Each region shall establish procedures and agreements by which it will be informed by provincial authorities of new federal sentences.

5. Offenders must be interviewed and the Preliminary Assessment Report completed within five working days of sentencing. The interview must be held while the offender is in the custody of the provincial authorities. In exceptional circumstances, where the offender is admitted to an Intake Assessment Unit quickly after sentencing, the Preliminary Assessment will be conducted by the Intake Assessment Unit.

6. When sentencing occurs in a remote area and it is not feasible for the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) to conduct the interview within the identified timeframe, the interview shall be held as soon as possible.

7. The interview will encompass the following activities:

  1. Informing the offender about the federal correctional system and respond to questions concerning types of institutions, security levels, visiting, intake assessment, transfer process, release process, and the various services relating to case management, medical care, psychological treatment and programs.
  2. Assessing the offender's immediate needs. If required, the appropriate referral must be done, and if necessary, a flag must be created in the Offender Management System (OMS).
  3. Gathering basic data, including community contacts for the completion of a Post-Sentence Community Assessment, and potential release plan in the case of APR cases serving a sentence of 4 years or less and other cases serving 3 years or less.
  4. Entering the information on the OMS on the screens relating to the Preliminary Assessment process.
  5. Proceeding with the request(s) for Post-Sentence Community Assessment(s).

8. When the offender is a woman, the Parole Officer shall determine the security classification before the offender is transferred to a federal institution, by completing the Custody Rating Scale.




9. The Preliminary Assessment shall be completed within five working days of sentencing.

Content Guidelines

10. Refer to Annex 700-03A, "Preliminary Assessment / Content Guidelines / Checklist for the Interview".




11. The Post-Sentence Community Assessment (PSCA) Report is an essential document in both the Offender Intake Assessment process and the correctional planning process. It must be completed as soon as possible after sentencing. With the information collected, the Parole Officer shall provide an opinion regarding the level and quality of the community support available to the offender and the proposed options and/or treatments/programs available in the community likely to maintain the risk at the lowest level possible, when the offender is eventually released in the community. Collateral contacts with the offender family and others for later supervision in the community can also be established through a Post-Sentence Community Assessment.


12. The Post-Sentence Community Assessment Report must

  • enhance the accuracy of the Intake Assessment;
  • contribute to the offender's orientation and the appropriate management of the sentence.


13. Each region shall develop and implement mechanisms to implement these procedures.

14. When conducting an interview for the purpose of a Post-Sentence Community Assessment, the Parole Officer shall focus on obtaining only the information that will assist in the overall assessment of the offender. He/she must analyse all the gathered information and assess the contribution of the community in the offender's reintegration into society.

15. Initial Community Assessments conducted with the offender's close relations shall not normally be conducted by phone, as this does not permit verification of identity, living conditions, signs of abuse or neglect, or any other issues/concerns that may impact on the offender's reintegration potential. The first meeting with offender's close familial bonds is important, as it provides the opportunity for answering any questions regarding the offender sentence and incarceration.

16. As an exceptional practice, collecting information by phone may be appropriate in certain cases. For example, where the community contacts are well known to CSC staff or when information is collected from official contacts (Social Services, Probation, Police, Community Residential Facilities, etc.), information may be collected by phone. The Parole Officer shall ensure that the official documents follow, when available.

17. The information gathered must be corroborated independently by other sources whenever possible.

18. For APR cases serving 4 years or less and for all other cases serving 3 years or less, where the Assessment for Decision is completed by the Intake Assessment Unit, the Post-Sentence Community Assessment shall include a Community Strategy. That Community Strategy will normally be valid for a period of six months. Where the Assessment for Decision is completed by the community, the Community Strategy will be completed upon a request from the Intake Assessment Unit, following the completion of the Correctional Plan.

19. When a Post-Sentence Community Assessment is being conducted in an Aboriginal community, the Parole Officer should take that opportunity to ensure the community knows of section 84 of the CCRA, and encourage the earliest appropriate development of release planning for that offender.

20. In cases where a number of persons have to be interviewed for the same PSCA, a single report, focusing on the analysis of all information available, shall be completed.



21. All Post-Sentence Community Assessment Reports shall be completed within 40 calendar days from the date of admission to federal custody.

22. The Parole Officer in the community must ensure expeditious collection of information. If, for reasons beyond his/her control, the Parole Officer in the community is unable to enter the results of the Post-Sentence Community Assessment into the OMS within the required timeframes, he/she should consider contacting the Parole Officer in the Intake Assessment Unit and provide him/her with any relevant/urgent information to be used in the offender assessment.

Content Guidelines

23. Refer to Annex 700-03B, "Post-Sentence Community Assessment Content Guidelines".



24. It is essential that an up-to-date Community Assessment (CA) on the offender's personal resources (family, support, etc.) be on file at all times. An updated Community Assessment shall be completed any time the existing information is considered out of date or invalid where such information is required for decision or supervision purposes.

25. Except for the cases where the information required is very specific, the Parole Officer shall focus on obtaining only information that will assist in the overall assessment of the offender.

26. When the Parole Officer in the community receives multiple Community Assessments requests (for example: one for private family visits (PFV), one for UTA (unescorted temporary absence where no supervision strategy is required) and one for specific information in the community), he/she shall incorporate all the information in one Community Assessment report, using only the appropriate headings included in each CA content guidelines.


27. Where additional information is required or will assist in understanding an offender's situation/progress, whether or not it is directly linked to a decision at the time it is requested, it can be obtained through a Community Assessment. For instance, additional police or victim(s) information received in the course of the sentence, the availability of programs in the community, the reaction of the surrounding community, or where clarification of information about the offender's financial situation or employment is needed.


28. Information can be obtained through a Community Assessment where the Parole Officer in the community interviews the resources in person or contacts them by telephone (only if appropriate), or, through telephone conversations initiated by the Parole Officer in the institution. The latter can also have direct contact with the offender's resources (for example at the time of a PFV, the Parole Officer can meet with them on a particular topic). The information obtained shall be recorded on the Community Assessment Report.

29. Where the objective is to develop a supervision strategy (day/full parole, statutory release, work releases where the offender will reside in a CBRF, UTA of more than 72 hours), the appropriate mechanism is not the Community Assessment. The information should be requested and completed by means of a Community Strategy, and reported in the Correctional Plan Progress Report.



30. The Community Assessment Report should be completed as soon as possible, but no later than 30 calendar days from the date of request, to facilitate the case management process.

Content Guidelines

31. The content guidelines for the Community Assessment Report should be geared to the specific request. Refer to Annex 700-03C for the different types of Community Assessment Content Guidelines.



32. The Community Strategy (CS) is an essential stage in the pre-release decision process. Its purpose is to plan a supervision structure which will be implemented when the offender is released and to identify the means by which the risk can be managed in the community, and maintained at a level that is not unacceptable for the protection of society.

33. The Community Strategy follows and is built upon the Correctional Plan Progress Report prepared by the institutional Parole Officer, which includes a Risk Assessment completed by the institutional Parole Officer. The role of the community Parole Officer is to develop a workable supervision stategy, by determining the way in which the various dynamic factors identified as problematic will continue to be addressed in the community, the way in which the offender will be monitored and determining the level of intervention (frequency of contacts) to be applied upon the offender's release to the community.

34. The Community Strategy shall be a quality document, in which the supervision plan shall be as complete and as precise as possible (for example, include the special conditions that are necessary, reasonable and the least restrictive to manage the risk), to avoid the need for the Parole Officer who will supervise the offender to revise/redo it.


35. A Community Strategy shall be completed in the following cases:

  1. Day Parole and Full Parole
    • All case reviews under the accelerated parole review procedure;
    • All case reviews for which a positive recommendation to the NPB is anticipated, regardless of the reintegration potential;
    • All case reviews where the reintegration potential is high or medium, even if a negative recommendation to the NPB is anticipated.
  2. Statutory Release
    • All case reviews for statutory release.
  3. Unescorted Temporary Absences
    • All case review for a UTA of more than 72 hours under CSC or NPB authority which represent a high or medium reintegration potential.
  4. Work Release
    • Where the offender will reside in a community residential facility (CRC or CCC).
  5. Upon Release
    • Where the Community Strategy proposed at the time of the pre-release assessment does not correspond to the specific expectations of the NPB or the offender's plans have changed significantly. (For example, no program or special condition were recommended by CSC but NPB imposed some; the offender's plans are totally different (in another area, different resources / use of time, etc), from the ones the proposed Community Strategy was based on.)

36. The Community Strategy will be completed within the Assessment for Decision in the following cases: Accelerated Parole Review; non-APR offenders serving 3 years or less who have applied for day and/or full parole during the intake process; statutory release with conditions; and day parole to day parole continued/full parole/statutory release where the same Parole Officer in the community is responsible for preparing both reports.

37. In all other types of review (ETA, transfer, work release not involving a return to a CBRF, private family visits, UTA of 72 hours or less), a Community Strategy is not required. However, a Community Assessment may be necessary, in order to obtain information required for a better understanding of the offender's situation or in the Assessment for Decision process.


38. The Community Strategy must be completed within 30 calendar days of the request to the parole office initially identified to complete the strategy.


39. Upon receipt of a Community Strategy request, if further information is required, the Parole Officer in the community shall communicate with the Parole Officer in the institution to discuss the case.

40. Where multiple reviews are required or where the release plan involves several stages, a single Community Strategy shall be drafted covering the principal elements of the release plans.

41. When preparing the Community Strategy to assess the possibility of release to an aboriginal community (according to section 84 of the CCRA), the Parole Officer should work collaboratively with the community representative(s) in developing a sound plan.

42. If the parole office who receives the request for a Community Strategy is not in a position to follow up on the offender's plans (for example, if no community residential facility will accept his application or if there is no program available which meets the offender's needs), responsibility for requesting another Community Strategy in another area lies with that office.

43. The choice of another destination for the Community Strategy will be reached after a case discussion with the Parole Officer from the institution, who will in turn interview the offender. The office which received the initial request for a Community Strategy will complete the Correctional Plan Progress Report, (Community Strategy section) indicating that it is impossible to proceed further with the offender's plans, and shall initiate a new request for a Community Strategy with the new area thus identified.

44. It is important that the parole office which receives a request for a Community Strategy process the request as promptly as possible, so as not to delay the Assessment for Decision process unduly, and especially in the event the Community Strategy must be redirected to another area.

45. Before finalizing the Community Strategy, the Parole Officer in the community shall contact the Parole Officer in the institution and discuss the supervision plan.

46. In all cases, it is the responsibility of the Parole Officer in the community to determine the special conditions to be recommended to the NPB. In case of disagreement between the Parole Officers in the community and institution, the recommendation submitted by the Parole Officer in the community will prevail.

47. The Parole Officer in the community shall only recommend the special conditions that are directly linked to the dynamic factors which have contributed to the criminal behaviour.


48. Refer to Annex 700-03D, "Community Strategy Content Guidelines".


Original signed by:
Lucie McClung



ANNEX 700-03A


Note: The information gathered for the Preliminary Assessment is mainly offender self-reported and is subject to confirmation.

1. Name of Offender Alias(es)
2. Date of Birth Place of Birth
3. FPS Number Gender Male Female
4. Offender Location
5. Electoral Information
6. Marital Status Married * Common Law
  Single Divorced Unknown
7. Preferred official languageEnglish French Need for translator
  Home Language
 Other Spoken Languages
8. Citizenship Canadian Dual Citizenship
   Unknown   Other Country
9. Race StatusBand #
10. Religion
11. Contact in case of emergency
12. Offence for which currently sentenced:
  Type of offence
  Length of sentence
 Date of sentencing
  Police Force
  Waiver signed
13. Eligibility for Accelerated Parole Review (to be confirmed by Sentence Management)
14. * Smoker * Non-smoker
15. Offender version of offence (description, violence, weapon used,factors leading up to the decision to commit, and motive for, the offence(s), the part the offender played in the offence, the name, role and status of accomplices,the offender's attitude towards the offence and the level of remorse, etc.)

Immediate Needs


As much as possible, a value must be entered for each indicator (yes-no-unknown)

*  Is taking medication

* Has allergies

*  Has health concerns which require immediate attention

*  Has other special needs

*  Has an upcoming medical appointment

Comment (for any checked indicator, explain)


Mental Health

As much as possible, a value must be entered for each indicator (yes-no-unknown)

*  Appears mentally disordered

* Reports having emotional or mental health problems

*  Has history of treatment for emotional or mental health problems

* Has emotional or mental health problems requiring immediate attention

*  Requires immediate medication for mental health problems

*  Requires immediate special cell placement for observation and mental health interventions

Comment (for any checked indicator, explain)



As much as possible a value must be entered for each indicator (yes-no-unknown)

*  May be affiliated with organized crime/gang

*  Concerns exist regarding incompatibles

*  Current offence(s) involves explosives

*  Has a history of arson/fire setting

*  Case has attracted extensive media attention

*  May be subject to deportation

*  Has outstanding charges

*  May be security literate

* Current offence(s) involves use of computer technology

* Protected or confidential information exists

*  Previous institutional adjustment concerns exist

*  May be gas reactant or unaffected by gas

* Physical disability may preclude the use of certain types of force

Comment (for any checked indicator, explain)


Suicide Risk

It is mandatory that a value be entered for each indicator(yes-no-unknown) as it will impact on the determination of the CMS group.

*  May be suicidal/has suicidal thoughts

*  Has plan for suicide

*  Has previous suicide attempt(s) in the last 5 years

*  Has had recent psychiatric/psychological intervention/hospitalisation

*  Recent loss of relationship, death of a close relative/friend

*  Excessively worried about problems

*  Influence of alcohol or drugs, signs of withdrawal

*  Shows signs of depression/hopelessness

Comment (for any checked indicator, explain)



Potential Release Plans (APR cases serving a sentence of 4 years or less and other cases serving 3 years or less):


Support Systems :

Day Parole :

Residence Potential :

Support Systems :

Full Parole :

Accommodation :

Employment Plans:



(For all cases )

Contact Type:

Contact Type:

Contact Type:

ADDITIONAL COMMENTS : (Any other relevant information, i.e. officer's impression of the offender, offender's attitude regarding his conviction, particular situation, intent to appeal, education, previous convictions, unlawfully at large, etc.)

Completed by:


ANNEX 700-03B


1. Notification to third party

Persons contacted shall be told that the information they provide will be shared with the offender. Should the identity of the contact require protection, the information should be provided in a Protected Information Report. The contact shall be informed that a summary or "gist" of any information disclosed will be provided to the offender if this information is to be used in the decision making process.
2. Source(s) of information

For each contact, list:

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Address
  • Telephone number
  • Occupation
  • Relationship to offender
  • General description of the individual
  • Place where the interview took place and a general, brief, objective description of the physical environment (if relevant)
  • Date of the interview
  • CPIC check (as per regional practices)
3. Offender's relationship with the contact and significant others

Based on information provided by the contact:

Parole Officer's assessment of:

  • The nature of the relationship between the offender and contact;
  • The impact of the contact(s)' extended relationship with the offender during incarceration or at time of release;
  • The degree of support the contact(s) are prepared to offer to the offender regarding his/her reintegration in the community (in the present and in the future), as well as reliability of the information obtained;
  • The offender's social network;
  • The offender's relationship with peers or significant others.
4. Criminal history

Contact's comments on:

  • The offender's criminal behaviour (the age at which problems with the law started, type and frequency of offences, history of placement in juvenile or adult institutions);
  • The offender's performance on bail;
  • Original charges versus final outcome, and fairness of the sentence.

Based on information provided by the contact:

Parole Officer's assessment of:

  • The contact's attitude toward the offender's criminal behaviour.
5. Contributing factors

Based on information provided by the contacts:

Parole Officer's assessment of:

  • The dynamic factors that contributed to the criminal behaviour and factors not directly related to the criminal behaviour but likely to contribute to the safe reintegration of the offender in the community:
    • offender's employment history (pattern of employment and job satisfaction);
    • offender's alcohol and/or drug history;
    • offender' attitude towards accepted social values and his/her views on living a law-abiding lifestyle;
    • the influences associates may have over the offender;
    • offender's personality (impulsive, empathetic, sensation seeking, manipulative);
    • pattern such as aggression, assertion, coping mechanisms or frustration tolerance;
    • offender's sexual dysfunction;
    • offender's mental health;
  • The offender's childhood including whether the family unit had a negative or positive influence on the offender;
  • The factors that represent the offender's strengths likely to contribute in his/her reintegration;
  • The contact(s)'s ability to assist the offender in the participation/completion of community programs;
  • The leisure activities and awareness/use of social/community services by the offender and the contact(s);
  • The relevance of offender's release plans, and suggestions for additions or alternatives to the plans with a corresponding rationale;
  • The dynamic contributing factors to be addressed prior to release (order of priority of the dynamic factors).

Contact's opinion on:

  • The offender's ability to set goals, recognize and solve problems, communication skills (verbal and written), ability to handle finances.

Availability and short description of:

  • Programs accessible in the community to address what seems to be the offender's contributing factors.
6. Temporary absences and private family visits
  • Family eligibility and interest in participating in private family visits.
  • Contact(s)'s interest in receiving the offender on UTAs and the ability and willingness to provide suitable accomodation.
  • Concerns with respect to family violence (current or past relationships).
  • The offender's past and present marital status, parenting responsibilities.

Based on information provided by the contacts:

Parole Officer's assessment of:

  • The value the contact places on family and the value the offender places on family;
  • The family dynamic;
  • The relevance of UTAs and PFV program, including reporting and supervision requirements, type and frequency of contacts.
7. Police or other official information
  • Specific information received from police, including reaction to the proposed release plan(s) and the reporting requirements established for the offender; impressions of the contact.
  • Specific information received from other criminal justice sources and official community organizations.
  • Specific information from police or other official information pertaining to family violence and the existence of any restraining orders.
  • Where relevant, indicate the offender's deportation status, or other relevant immigration information.

8. Assessment of impact on victim(s)

If other regional practices to gather victim impact statements are used, this section should not be completed.

  • Examine the effect of the offence on the victim(s), elaborating on detention criteria subsections 129(2)(a)(i) and 129(2)(a)(ii) of the CCRA as required.
  • Obtain information from a variety of sources, including:
    • The arresting/investigating police officer;
    • Crown attorney (should be the first point of contact for inquiry into the harm caused to a victim when the wishes and/or circumstances of that victim are unknown. From the information received at that point, it is a matter of judgement whether it is necessary or advisable to contact the victim directly);
    • The victim (although sensitivity to the victim may make direct contact inadvisable; such cases include where the victim has had no contact with the Service since the offender was sentenced, or where the victim has indicated he or she does not wish to be contacted).
  • The potential risk related to the offender's eventual release to the victim(s).

9. Community Strategy

For APR cases serving 4 years or less and all other cases serving 3 years or less where the Assessment for Decision is completed by the Intake Assessment Unit.

See Annex 700-03D, "Community Strategy Content Guidelines".
10. Overall assessment The Parole Officer must examine all information analysed in the other sections and summarize his/her opinion on the community support available and the reintegration potential of the offender.


ANNEX 700-03C



1. Notification to third party Refer to 700-03B, "Post-Sentence Community Assessment Content Guidelines".
2. Source(s) of information Refer to Annex 700-03B, "Post-Sentence Community Assessment Content Guidelines".
3. Offender's relationship with the contact and significant others Refer to Annex 700-03B, "Post-Sentence Community Assessment Content Guidelines".
4. Contributing factors Refer to Annex 700-03B, "Post-Sentence Community Assessment Content Guidelines".
5. Police or other official information Refer to Annex 700-03B, "Post-Sentence Community Assessment Content Guidelines".
6. Information related to the request Specific information, as requested.
7. Overall assessment The Parole Officer must examine all information analyzed in the other sections and summarize his/her opinion on the community support available and the reintegration potential of the offender.



To determine the extent of support for the proposal from the person or organization for whom the offender wishes to work or perform community service.

1. Notification to third party Refer to Annex 700-03B, "Post-Sentence Community Assessment Content Guidelines".
2. Source(s) of information Refer to Annex 700-03B, "Post-Sentence Community Assessment Content Guidelines".
3. Information related to the request

The CA shall indicate:

  • that the person or organization has reviewed the background information on the offender;
  • acceptance or rejection by the person or organization;
  • the person's or organization's concerns and suggestions for conditions and approaches to supervision;
  • where relevant, information received from contacts with police;
  • that the level of supervision for the work release is specifically addressed; and
  • that the sharing of information requirements are documented.
4. Overall assessment The Parole Officer must examine all information and summarize his/her opinion on the community support available and the reintegration potential of the offender.

NOTE 1: Depending upon the nature of the work release (e.g. shovel snow vs. work in a factory) and its duration (e.g. one day vs. a 60 day program), it may not always be necessary to complete a formal Community Assessment. For some structured work release programs, information and supervision plans can be standard for all offenders and already available to the case management team. In some instances, it may be more efficient to use alternative methods to collect the information (e.g. telephone or person-to-person contact). The information obtained shall be recorded in a Community Assessment Report.

NOTE 2: Where the work release permits that the offender reside in a community-based residential facility, a Community Strategy shall be completed (see Annex 700-03D).



1. Notification to third party Refer to Annex 700-03B, "Post-Sentence Community Assessment Content Guidelines".
2. Source(s) of information Refer to Annex 700-03B, "Post-Sentence Community Assessment Content Guidelines".
3. Information related to the request When the purpose of a transfer is to gain access to community support, confirm the presence and level of support.
4. Police or other official information
  • Specific information received from police; impressions of the contact.
  • Specific information received from other criminal justice sources and official community organizations.
  • Where relevant, indicate the offender's deportation status.
5. Overall assessment The Parole Officer must examine all information analysed in the other sections and summarize his/her opinion on the community support available.



1. Notification to third party Refer to Annex 700-03B, "Post-Sentence Community Assessment Content Guidelines".
2. Source(s) of information Refer to Annex 700-03B, "Post-Sentence Community Assessment Content Guidelines".
3. Offender's relationship with the contact and significant others Refer to Annex 700-03B, "Post-Sentence Community Assessment Content Guidelines".
4. Information related to the request
  • Contact's eligibility and interest in participating in PFV.
  • Issues related to family violence.
  • Information obtained from Social Services that indicate concerns for the security of children (if relevant).
  • Information on any medication that the contacts will bring with them in the institution, or specific goods (for example: powdered milk, food or diapers for babies).
5. Overall assessment The Parole Officer must examine all information analysed in the other sections and summarize his/her opinion on the community support available.

NOTE: If not already initiated by the institution, the completion and signature of the forms CSC 530 and CSC 531, as well as required photographs, should be obtained from the participants. The rules and regulations of the Private Family Visits Program should also be explained to the participants.


POST-SUSPENSION (where a cancellation of the suspension is anticipated and the offender's release plan is in another area)

1. Notification to third party Refer to Annex 700-03B, "Post-Sentence Community Assessment Content Guidelines".
2. Source(s) of information Refer to Annex 700-03B, "Post-Sentence Community Assessment Content Guidelines".
3. Offender's relationship with the contact and significant others Refer to Annex 700-03B, "Post-Sentence Community Assessment Content Guidelines".
4. Police information Specific information received from police, including reaction to the proposed new release plan(s) and the reporting requirements established for the offender; impressions of the contact.
5. Information related to the request Parole Officer assessment of the new release plan.
6. Overall assessment The Parole Officer must examine all information analysed in the other sections and summarize his/her opinion on the community support available and the reintegration potential of the offender.



ANNEX 700-03D


  • Day parole
  • Full parole
  • Accelerated review
  • Statutory release
  • Unescorted temporary absences of more than 72 hours
  • Work release (involving a return to a CBRF)

For accelerated review, non-APR offenders serving 3 years or less who have applied for day and/or full parole during the intake process and statutory release, when the same Parole Officer in the community is responsible for preparing the Community Strategy and the Assessment for Decision, see SOP 700-07, Annex C.

Indicate the supervision strategy envisioned at the time of the offender's release.

The Community Strategy must cover the following elements:

  • Notification to third party;
  • Living arrangements: suitability;
  • In the case of a Community-Based Residential Facility:
    • Whether the CBRF has reviewed the background information;
    • Acceptance or rejection by the facility;
    • Availability of bed space and the proposed date accommodation will be available for the offender;
    • The profile of the current population and programs at the CBRF (only if the facility is not well known by the NPB);
    • CBRF concerns and suggestions for conditions and approaches to supervision;
    • Leave privileges (each case should be reviewed to determine if leave privileges can be granted in accordance with NPB policy. If so, this should be clearly stated. If the recommendation is to expand or limit privileges, a rationale must be included).
  • Employment;
  • Community support;
  • Comments from police;
  • Proposed supervision plan, including the objectives and programs envisioned;
  • Proposed special conditions: Justify whether or not special conditions are required and provide the rationale for the necessity of each proposed special condition.
  • Level of intervention (frequency of contacts to be applied upon offender's release to the community) (by completing Post-Assessment Level of Intervention within the Reintegration Potential Reassessment screen of OMS);
  • Consultation with the Parole Officer in the institution (name);
  • Assessment: (In cases where the proposed release is inappropriate, discuss the risk factors that cannot be adequately managed in the community).

B) Work releases involving a return to a CBRF

In addition to the information mentioned in A) that apply to the offender's situation, the Community Strategy must stipulate:

  • that the agency where the work release will take place has reviewed the information on the offender's history;
  • that the agency accepts or rejects the proposal;
  • the suggestions and concerns formulated by the agency with regard to the conditions and approaches related to supervision;
  • that the requirements in respect of the sharing of information are documented.
C) Statutory release

In addition to the information mentioned in A), if a residency order is deemed necessary, the Parole Officer in the community shall refer to SOP 700-07 on Pre-Release Decision Process/Statutory Release and follow the guidelines to assess the case.


Table of Contents
