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Restorative Justice Week - Engaging us all in the dialogue

Ottawa, November 16, 2004 – Community groups across the country are holding events to encourage people to learn about restorative justice, as part of Restorative Justice Week, November 14-21, 2004.

Throughout the week, the human element of crime, the impact on people, their communities and their relationships will be highlighted. Communities in all regions will be holding forums, making presentations and encouraging discussion about restorative justice. The Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) is marking the week with presentations in institutions throughout the country, and by sponsoring events in the community.

Restorative justice provides support and safe opportunities for communication between those affected by crime, including the victim and the offender, to encourage reparation and accountability.

"Restorative Justice Week is an opportunity to highlight restorative justice accomplishments and for Canadians to further engage in the correctional process," says the Honourable Anne McLellan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness. "Canadians can be proud of the ongoing efforts to build safer communities through restorative justice initiatives and practices."

"The Correctional Service of Canada is committed to finding innovative approaches to corrections," says CSC's Acting Commissioner Don Head. "Restorative Justice promotes offender accountability, victim representation and community engagement, all of which are key components towards the successful reintegration of offenders into our communities."

As part of Restorative Justice Week, CSC will be presenting the 6th Annual Ron Wiebe Restorative Justice Award in St. John's, Newfoundland on November 20. This award recognizes Canadians who have demonstrated, through their work or lifestyle, ways of transforming human relationships by enabling and promoting communication and healing between people in conflict, including victims, offenders, colleagues, families, or neighbours.

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For information on Restorative Justice Week and events, please visit or call:

Bill Staubi
Restorative Justice and Dispute Resolution Branch
Correctional Service of Canada
(613) 992-2017
Christa McGregor
Media Relations
Correctional Service of Canada
(613) 947-4815