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Correctional Service of Canada

Publications by Title


LI 50 Years of Human Rights Developments in Federal Corrections

LI Aboriginal community development in corrections
LI Aboriginal Community Reintegration Program
LI Aboriginal employment recruitment
LI Aboriginal gangs overview and pilot initiative
LI Aboriginal healing lodges
LI Aboriginal offenders - overview
LI Aboriginal Offender Statistics
LI Aboriginal Offender Survey: Case Files and Interview Sample
LI Aboriginal Sex Offenders: Melding Spiritual Healing with Cognitive-Behavioural Treatment
LI Action Plan in Response to the Canadian Human Rights Commission

LI Basic Facts About the Correctional Service of Canada
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LI Canadian Resource Guide to Restorative Justice and Conflict Resolution Education Programs
LI Case Studies of Female Sex Offenders in the Correctional Service of Canada
LI Circles of Support and Accountability - Guide to Project Development
LI Citizens’ Advisory Committees’ Annual Report April 1, 2003 - March 31, 2004
LI Citizens’ Advisory Committees Resource Manual
LI Closing of the Prison for Women in Kingston, July 6, 2000 (The)
LI Community Based Residential Centres - Directory 2003
LI Community Strategy for Women Offenders
LI Compendium of Research on Family Violence and Offender Family Functioning
LI CORCAN Annual Report 2001/2002
LI CORCAN Corporate Brochure
LI Correctional Program Strategy for Federally Sentenced Women
LI Corrections and Conditional Release Statistical Overview
LI Creating Choices
LI Cross-Gender Monitoring Project: CSC's Respose to the Third and Final Annual Report
LI Cross Gender Monitoring Project September 30, 2000
LI CSC Women's Institutions And Maximum Security Units: National Operational Protocol - Front-Line Staffing
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LI Demographic Overview Of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada And Aboriginal Offenders in Federal Corrections
LI Departmental Performance Report - For the period ending March 31, 2005
LI Departmental Performance Report - For the period ending March 31, 2004

LI Enhancing the Role of Aboriginal Communities Booklet
LI Enhancing the Role of Aboriginal Communities in Corrections
LI Exemplary Community Programs for Federally Sentenced Women

LI Family Violence
LI Federally Sentenced Aboriginal Women in Maximum Security: What Happened to the Promises of "Creating Choices"?
LI Federally Sentenced Women Maximum Security Interview Project: "Not Letting the Time Do You"
LI Federally Sentenced Women on Conditional Release: A Survey of Community Supervisors
LI Focus on Infectious Diseases
LI Foreign Nationals: Needs Identification - Meeting with Foreign National Federally Sentenced Women
LI Forum on Corrections Research
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LI Giving us a Chance: Needs Assessment – Mental Health Resources for FSW in the Regional Facilities 1996
LI Government Response to the 26th Report of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts
LI Grants & Contributions Audit Report 2005
LI Guidelines for Parenting Skills Programs

LI Healing Lodge Operational Plan 2004
LI Healing Lodges For Aboriginal Federal Offenders
LI Healing the Relationship Between Federally Sentenced Women and Communities December 1995
LI Healing the Relationship Between Federally Sentenced Women and Communities Discussion Paper October 1995
LI Highlights of the Government of Canada's Response to the 26th Report of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts
LI Hostage-Takings of CSC Staff: Psychological Impact and Institutional Management
LI Human Rights and Corrections: A Strategic Model - December 1997
LI Human Rights in Community Corrections: Report of the Working Group on Human Rights
LI Human Rights in Community Corrections: Report of the Working Group on Human Rights: Highlights

LI Impact of Experiencing and Witnessing Family Violence during Childhood: Child and Adult Behavioural Outcomes (The)
LI Implementing Choices at Regional Facilities: Program Proposals for Women Offenders with Special Needs
LI Implementing The Life Line Concept: Report Of The Task Force On Long Term Offenders
LI Incidence of Family Violence Perpetrated by Federal Offenders: A File Review Study (The)
LI Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control in Canadian Federal Penitentiaries 2000–01

LI Let's Talk
LI Literature Review on Women's Anger and Other Emotions
LI Long-term Federally Sentenced Women: Literature Review
LI Long Term Supervision Orders
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LI Mental Health Strategy For Women Offenders
LI Mission of Correctional Service Canada

LI National Research Design for the Family Violence Demonstration Projects
LI National Strategy on Aboriginal Corrections
LI Northern Aboriginal Offenders in Federal Custody: A Profile

LI Overviews: Regional Facilities for Federally Sentenced Women Federally Sentenced Women Program

LI Parenting Roles And Experiences Of Abuse In Women Offenders: Review Of The Offender Intake Assessments - March, 1999
LI Pet Facilitated Therapy In Correctional Institutions - Literature Review - April, 1998
LI Performance Assurance Audit: Reports
LI Private Family Visiting
LI Proceedings: Meeting of Correctional Service of Canada and National Women's Organizations Update on the Federally Sentenced Women Initiative
LI Profile of an Aboriginal Woman serving time in a Federal Institution
LI Program Development for Survivors of Trauma & Abuse 1995
LI Protecting Society through Community Corrections

LI Response from the Correctional Service of Canada
to the 32nd Annual Report of the
Correctional Investigator2004-2005
LI Recommendations of the Cororner's Inquest Into the Death of Robert Gentles
LI Reflections of a Canadian Prison Warden, The Visionary Legacy of Ron Wiebe: An Unfinished Conversation
LI Regional Facilities for Federally Sentence Women: Operational Plan 2002
LI Reintegration Programs for Aboriginal Offenders
LI Report of the Task Force on Security
LI Report on Community Chaplaincies - Part 1
LI Report on Self-injurious Behaviour in the Kingston Prison for Women
LI Report on Plans and Priorities 2005-2006
LI Report on Tuberculosis Prevention and Control in Canadian Federal Prisons 1998
LI Research Briefs
LI Research Reports
LI Response to the 31st Annual Report of the Correctional Investigator 2003-2004
LI Restorative Justice Week 2004
LI Retrospective Report on Inmate Suicides and Prisoner Suicide: A Review of the Literature 1996-1997
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LI Safe Return of Offenders to the Community (The)
LI Satisfying Justice (a Compendium of Initiatives, Programs and Legislative Measures)
LI Speakers Binder
LI Specific Guidelines for Methadone Maintenance Treatment
LI Standards and Guidelines for the Provision of Services to Sex Offenders
LI Standards for Health Services
LI Statitical Overview - Women Offenders - Women Offender Sector
LI Study of the Mother-Child Program
LI Substance Abuse - Treatment Modalities
LI Survey of Federally Sentenced Aboriginal Women in the Community
LI Sustainable Development Strategy - Revision 2003

LI Task Force Report on Administrative Segregation - Commitment to Legal Compliance, Fair Decisions and Effective Results - March 1997
LI Toward a National Strategy A Conference on Intervention with Sex Offenders
LI Toward A Strategic Direction For Chaplaincy
LI Transformation of Federal Corrections for Women: Towards Creating Choices (The)
LI Travel and Hospitality Expense Reports
LI Tuberculosis Surveillance in Canadian Federal Penitentiaries 1999-2001

LI Understanding Violence by Women: A Review of the Literature

LI Victims of Crime Staying informed
LI Volunteering in the Correctional Service of Canada Reference Handbook

LI Women Convicted of Homicide Serving a Federal Sentence
LI Women Who Sexually Offend: A Protocol for Assessment & Treatment May 2002

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