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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

We've listed our frequently asked questions to save you a bit of time. Just scroll down the page and see what many of our visitors are looking for. We've tried to keep it simple and we would be delighted to hear your suggestions on how we might improve it!

Air | Climate | Employment and Youth Programs | Environmental Emergencies | Events | Funding Programs | Geography | The Great Lakes | Your Health | Invading Species| Kids Stuff | The Minister's Office | Other Federal Departments Pollution | Pollution Prevention | Publications | Recycling | Volunteer | Weather | Wildlife |


1. I'd like to find out more about smog.

Take a look at the Clean Air web site.

Fact Sheet - Smog.

2. Where can I find information on the Province's Vehicle Emissions Testing Program?

Visit Ontario's Ministry of Environment and Energy web site and check out the Drive Clean Program or call 1-800-565-4923 / 416-325-4000.


1. What is Climate Change?

Check out the Climate Change website.

Employment and Youth Programs

1. I'm looking for employment with the Federal Government.

Check out the Public Service Commission Website

2. I'm interested in job and education programs for youth.

Try Rural Youth Job Strategy are available through the OMAFRA web site.
Applications and information are also available at OMAFRA field offices or by calling 1-888-588-4111

Youth Resource Network of Canada


Environmental Emergencies

1. How does Environment Canada prepare for and react to evironmental emergencies?

Regional Environmental Emergencies Team - REET


1. When is Environment Week?

Environment Week is a national event devoted to environmental issues and activities which focus on the preservation, protection and restoration of our environment. It takes place in early June each year to coincide with World Environment Day, proclaimed by the United Nations in 1972 and celebrated on June 5.

Funding Programs

1. I'd like to know about community environmental funding programs.

Check out the EcoAction website!

The Great Lakes Sustainability Fund


1. Where can I find maps?

Natural Resources Canada 1-800-465-6277
Our Great Lakes Maps

2. I'd like information on earthquakes.

Check out the National Earthquake Hazards Program

The Great Lakes

1. I'd like to learn more about the Great Lakes.

Check out Our Great Lakes web site

Check out The Great Lakes: An Environmental Atlas and Resource Book

Visit the Great Lakes Kids web site.

Visit the Great Art for Great Lakes Virtual Classroom.

2. I'm looking for Great Lakes-St. Lawrence water levels.

Water Levels

3. Where can I find information about freshwater?

Check out Environment Canada's Freshwater web site

Your Health

1. Looking for information on eating Ontario sport fish?

Check out the Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish which gives consumption advice for sport fish from Ontario waters and is published every other year by the Ministry of the Environment in co-operation with the Ministry of Natural Resources.

2. Where can I find more information on the West Nile virus?

Visit Health Canada's web site for West Nile Virus Surveillance Information.

3. I would like to know more about E. coli?

Stopping the Spread of E.coli;
Unwashed Hands, Undercooked Meat Possible Health Hazards; or
Visit Health Canada's Laboratory Centre for Disease Control

4. How do I get my drinking water tested?

Visit your local public health unit.

5. Where can I find information on mold in the home?

Visit the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation's web site for information on mold in the home.

6. How does asbestos affect my health?

Check out Health Canada's Environmental Health Program for fact sheets.

7. Where can I find information on the safe removal of asbestos?

The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation provides information on this subject. Check out their web site.

Invading Species

1. Where can I find information on invading species, such as Purple Loosestrife or Zebra Mussels?

Call the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources' "Invading Species Hotline" 1-800-563-7711.

Kids Stuff

1. Do you have activities or publications for children?

Environment Canada Kids

The Minister's Office

1. How do I write to the Minister?

The Honourable Stéphane, P.C., M.P.
Minister of the Environment

Other Federal Departments

1. Where can I find a listing of Other Federal Government Departments?

Visit the Canada Site


1. How do I report a polluter?

Ontario Spills Hotline - 1-800-268-6060 / 416-325-3000

Pollution Prevention

1. Where can I find information about Pollution Prevention?

Check out the Canadian Centre for Pollution Prevention


1. Where can I search for publications?

Environment Canada Departmental Library
If you can't find it here, e-mail us or give us a call at 416-739-4826.

Visit the Ontario Region Libraries.


1. Where can I find information on starting a recycling project?

In Toronto: Blue Box Metro Works at 416-392-3817 or Ontario-wide: Recycling Council of Ontario 416-960-1025.


1. I'd like to volunteer!

With Wildlife

Get Involved


1. I'm looking for a weather forecast.

Ontario Weather

2. I want more information on the weather. - Environment Canada's weather server.

3. I'm looking for information on severe weather for summer and winter?

Summer Severe Weather Fact Sheet

Blizzards and Winter Hazards Fact Sheet

4. I'm looking for historical weather data?

Most requests for historical weather data are available on a cost recovery basis. You may forward your request to The Ontario Climate Centre: e-mail:; Fax: 416-739-4521; or, call the Climate Source at 1-900-565-1111 ($2.99/minute)


1. Where can I find out more about wildlife?

The Canadian Wildlife Service's Homepage!


If your question has not been answered above, try searching our database.


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