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Correctional Service of Canada


* Special Olympiads in Federal Penitentiaries
Each year, in what has become a long-time tradition, inmates at several institutions of the Correctional Service of Canada, have organized with the assistance of staff and many volunteers, games and activities for developmentally challenged adults and youths living in communities. You can view highlights of these activities.
* Correctional Service Of Canada Responds To Drugs In Prisons
Almost 80 per cent of offenders arrive at federal prisons with some type of substance abuse problem. The following video explores how CSC attempts to break the drug cycle by reducing the flow of illegal substances and bringing help to addicted offenders.
* Creating Choices, Changing Lives
The "Creating Choices, Changing Lives" video was produced by Carleton Productions Ltd. for the Correctional Service of Canada. These clips show the evolution of women's corrections, including the closure of Kingston's Prison for Women and the creation of new regional facilities, since the Creating Choices Task Force Report was endorsed by the Government of Canada in 1990.
* A Test of Justice
The "Test of Justice" video was produced by Documentary Productions Ltd. for the Department of the Solicitor General of Canada. These clips follow an offender from his arrest, through his incarceration and conditional release into the community. Apart from 4 professional actors, all of the other individuals who appear are real people, doing what they normally do in their jobs.