Seminars at Small Business BC

Affordable seminars for small business in Vancouver BC.

Small Business BC offers a wide variety of affordable seminars for small business. Early registration discounts are available. We also offer flexible day, evening and weekend course schedules. From our seminar listing you can click on a Seminar Title for more information.

Are you interested in becoming a speaker for the Small Business BC Seminar Series? If so, download our Seminar Proposal Guide here.

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Join Us in our 3rd Annual Business Plan Contest Awards Ceremony

To celebrate the 3rd Annual Business Plan Contest, this Awards Ceremony event is an opportunity for you to meet the winners, learn from local business experts in our Ask the Expert Discussion and network with other small businesses.
January 30, 2006
10am to 2pm

Business Plan Fast Track - Complete Your Business Plan in just 5 Weeks! Offering Limited Special Intro Rate.

SAVE $350 Today! For a limited time only, this seminar has a "Special Introductory Rate" of $250 ($600 reg price). This 5-week all intensive seminar series that will teach you the essential and practical components to prepare and complete your own business plan.
January 31, 2006
Tues. 6:30pm – 9:30p

Investor Ready 101

Are you ready for professional investors? Open to anyone, this seminar is for entrepreneurs looking for investors beyond "love" money or they have been unsuccessful in obtaining enough investors.
January 31, 2006
7:30am - 5pm

Using an RFP to Help Choose a Web Designer/Developer

This is the second seminar in the "How to Get Started" series. This is a hands on workshop is designed to help your small business move online. You will leave this workshop with an RFP tool ready to present to a Web Designer/Developer for a realistic price of your site.
January 31, 2006
12 to 1:30pm

Payroll Information Seminars for Small Business (FULL)

This seminar outlines employment relationships to help you determine whether a worker is an employee or self-employed. Other topics include source deductions, employer responsibilities, and assessment and penalties.
February 2, 2006
9:30am - 12:30pm

START SMART! LEVEL 2 Business Seminar - 2006 Catalogue - Fridays in February 2006

START SMART! Level 2 is designed for the "launching a business" client who is possibly working on a business plan, conducting market research and ready to take their business to the next level. Information about how to develop a web presence for your business.
February 3, 2006
9:30 to 11:30 a.m.

The Basics of Intellectual Property

This seminar introduces basic concepts of Intellectual Property (IP).
February 6, 2006
12:00noon - 2:00pm

Legal tips for your eBusiness- Privacy Law; Online Copyright Protection; Contracts Online; Legal Terms and Conditions

This seminar covers legal principles and concerns applicable to internet-based businesses/operations.
February 7, 2006
12 to 1:30pm

6 Secrets to Cold Calling Success

Based on Michael Schell’s bestseller “Buyer-Approved Selling”, the six secrets presented will put you inside the mind of your prospects and teach you step-by step ways to increase your business-to-business cold calling skills.
February 8, 2006
12 - 1:30 pm

Intro to Workers’ Compensation, Canada Revenue Agency and Employment Standards for Business

If your business has employees or may have employees in the future you need to know about B.C. Employment Standards, Workers’ Compensation, and Canada Revenue Agency and how they apply to your business.
February 13, 2006
9am - 4pm

Online Marketing Strategies

In this seminar you will learn the importance of: site structure, content creation, keyword selection, SEO, web directories, internal site linking, cross linking, viral marketing and other offline marketing; white papers, eNewsletters; URL placement.
February 14, 2006
12 to 1:30pm


Seccion Latina y Small Business BC realizarán un seminario gratuito de como emprender su negocio, este se impartir? en español.
February 16, 2006
6pm to 8pm

Tax, GST/HST & PST Information Seminars for Small Business (FULL)

Are you interested in learning more about how Income Tax and GST/HST and PST pertain to your business? The Tax & GST/HST and PST Information Seminar for Small Business is for you!
February 16, 2006
9:30 am - 4:30 pm

Record Keeping & Basic Accounting for Small Business

The goal of this interactive workshop is to enable the small business owner to understand basic accounting principles, terminologies and financial systems.
February 17, 2006
9am - 4pm

Federal Incorporation Info Seminar

Are you thinking of incorporating your businesses? Have you considered incorporating federally? Plan to attend the Small Business Information Session on Federal Incorporation.
February 17, 2006
11:30am to 1:30pm

Advanced Employment Standards Seminar for Business

This in-depth Employment Standards seminar will walk you through case scenarios, sample calculations, and provide opportunity for discussion and Q & A.
February 20, 2006
9:30am to 12:30pm

eCommerce and Understanding Online Payment Systems

This seminar will take you behind the scenes of an online payment system and show you how the transactions work, how the credit card payments are processed, what a transaction fee is and most importantly the security of the system.
February 21, 2006
12 to 1:30pm

19th Angel Forum Seminar

Angel Forum is where 30+ pre-screened technology, service and manufacturing companies seeking equity funding of $100,000 to $1 million, present to 60+ pre-screened private equity investors.
February 27, 2006
7:30 am to 5pm

START SMART! LEVEL 1 Business Start-up Seminar - Tuesday February 28th, 2006

START SMART! Level 1 seminar covers basic small business start-up information and is designed for the client in the "thinking of starting a business" stage.
February 28, 2006
9:30 am - 12:00 pm

Measuring the Success of Your Website:

Come to this seminar to learn how web analytics tools can help you understand more about your customer.
March 7, 2006

Payroll Information Seminars for Small Business (To Register Call 604-691-4125)

This seminar outlines employment relationships to help you determine whether a worker is an employee or self-employed. Other topics include source deductions, employer responsibilities, and assessment and penalties.
March 9, 2006
9:30am - 12:30pm

The Basics of Selling on eBay Series - March 13, 20, 27

Register for the eBay series March 13, 20 and 27th for the low price of $99. Included in the series are three 2 hour sessions and the official eBay Education Specialist workbook (value $20)
March 13, 2006

Are You Interested in Exporting?

Are you experiencing problems sending your products out of Canada? Small Business BC presents (in partnership with) The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) offer a one day seminar created with you in mind!
March 15, 2006
9a.m. - 4p.m.

Tax & GST/HST Information Seminars for Small Business (To register call 604-691-4125)

Are you interested in learning more about how Income Tax and GST/HST pertain to your business? The Tax & GST/HST Information Seminar for Small Business is for you!
March 16, 2006
9:30 am - 4:30 pm

SFU / UBC - Business Career Expo 2006 now caters to Small Businesses!

Business Career Expo 2006 now caters to Small Businesses! For the 3rd annual Business Career Expo, SFU Business and UBC Sauder School of Business have partnered to create an unprecedented opportunity to recruit students from both universities at the Vancouver Convention and Exhibition Centre.
March 17, 2006
11:30am - 5pm

*First Steps* Combo - Finance and Market Research for Your Business Plan

First Steps is a series of introductory workshops designed to help you to decide if your business idea is worth pursuing. Part of that decision is determining the financial viability of your business concept as well as market, competition and industry analysis. SAVE $20!! When you register for both First Steps Seminars - Finance and Market Research.
March 22, 2006
9am to 4pm

*First Steps* - FINANCE for Your Business Plan

First Steps is a series of introductory workshops designed to help you to decide if your business idea is worth pursuing. Part of that decision is determining the financial viability of your business concept. SAVE $20!! When you register for both First Steps Seminars - Finance and Market Research.
March 22, 2006
1pm- 4pm

*First Steps* - MARKET RESEARCH for Your Business Plan

First Steps is a series of introductory workshops designed to help you to decide if your business idea is worth pursuing. Part of that decision is conducting market, competition and industry analysis. SAVE $20!! When you register for both First Steps Seminars - Finance and Market Research.
March 22, 2006
9am - 12pm

Tax, GST/HST & PST Information Seminars for Small Business (FULL)

Are you interested in learning more about how Income Tax and GST/HST and PST pertain to your business? The Tax & GST/HST and PST Information Seminar for Small Business is for you!
March 23, 2006
9:30 am - 4:30 pm

Tax & GST/HST Information Seminars for Small Business (To register call 604-691-4125)

Are you interested in learning more about how Income Tax and GST/HST pertain to your business? The Tax & GST/HST Information Seminar for Small Business is for you!
March 30, 2006
9:30 am - 4:30 pm

Thanks for your interest in the Small Business BC Business Seminars. At Small Business BC, we provide quality learning opportunities at affordable prices for all prospective business owners. If, for whatever reason attendees must cancel their seminar registration(s), we will provide full refunds for all related fees, if cancellation is no later than 1 week before the date of the seminar concerned. Should registrants need to cancel within 1 week of the seminar date up to and including the day of the seminar, we will gladly refund 80% of the total registration fee.