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Correctional Service of Canada

Research Briefs

Homicide, Sex, Robbery and Drug Offenders in Federal Corrections: An End-of-2004 Review
No B-37 2005
Homicide, Sex, Robbery and Drug Offenders In Federal Corrections: An End-of-2003 Review
No B-35 2004
Homicide, Sex, Robbery and Drug Offenders In Federal Corrections: An End-of-2002 Review
No B-34 2003
Intensive Supervision Practices: Preliminary Evaluation
No B-31 2003
Selected Annotated Bibliography: Aboriginal Justice and Corrections Research
No B-30 2004
Comparing Crime and Imprisonment Trends in the United States, England, and Canada from 1981 to 2001
No B-29 2004
Selected Annotated Bibliography: Restorative Justice
No B-28 2002
A review and estimate of time spent in prison by offenders sentenced for murder
No B-27 2002
Homicide, Sex, Robbery and Drug Offenders in Federal Corrections: An End-of-2001 Review
No B-26 2002
Homicide, Sex, Robbery and Drug Offenders in Federal Corrections: An End-of-2000 Review
No B-25 2001
Homicide, Sex, Robbery and Drug Offenders in Federal Corrections: An End-of-1999 Review
No B-24 2000
Homicide, Sex, Robbery and Drug Offenders in Federal Corrections: An End-of-1998 Review
No B-23 1999
Male Young Offenders in Canada: Recent Trends
No B-22 1998
Adult Female Offenders in Canada: Recent Trends
No B-21 1998
Recent Trends and Patterns Shaping the Corrections Population in Canada: 1983-84 to 1996-97
No B-20 1998
Homicide, Sex, Robbery and Drug Offenders in Federal Corrections: An End-of-1997 Review
No B-19 1998
Female Young Offenders in Canada : Recent Trends
No B-18 1997
Results of the 1996 CSC Staff Survey: A Synopsis
No B-17 1997
Homicide, Sex, Robbery and Drug Offenders in Federal Corrections: An End-of-1996 Review
No B-16 1997
Marriage while Incarcerated: Characteristics and Relationships of Partners (A Preliminary Analysis)
No B-15 1996
Summary of Findings of the 1995 CSC National Inmate Survey
No B-14 1996
Homicide, Sex, Robbery and Drug Offenders in Federal Corrections: An-End-of-1995 Review
No B-13 1996
A Profile of Homicide Offenders in Canada
NoB-12 1995
Statistical Profiles of Homicide, Sex, Robbery and Drug Offenders in Federal Corrections
NoB-11 1995
A Profile of Robbery Offenders in Canada
NoB-10 1995
A Comparison of the French and English Versions of the Computerized Lifestyle Assessment Instrument
NoB-9 1995
CSC Staff Survey of Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Family Violence
No B-8 1994
Effectiveness of the Cognitive Skills Training Program: From Pilot to National Implementation
No B-7 1991
Research Design for the Cognitive Skills Training Program
No B-6 1990
Managing the Treatment of Sex Offenders: A Canadian Perspective
No B-5 1990
Rehabilitation through Clearer Thinking: A Cognitive Model of Correctional Intervention
NoB-4 1990
Analysis of the Effects of the 1989 WP Strike
No B-3 1989
Literature Review: The Effects of Uniforms in Corrections
No B-2 1989
The Statistical Information on Recidivism Scale
No B-1 1989