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Correctional Service of Canada

photoAddictions Research     PDF version

a division of the Research Branch
Correctional Service of Canada
Working to advance knowledge of addictions in the
criminal justice system through research.
Located in Montague, P.E.I., Canada


On November 26, 1999, the Solicitor General of Canada announced the establishment of an Addictions Research Division as part of an expanded Research Branch within the Correctional Service of Canada. This separate, dedicated research facility is located in Montague, Prince Edward Island. The facility will provide office space for 20 research staff and 4 visiting experts. It will include a library, computer facilities, video conferencing, meeting rooms and short-term living accommodation for visitors. Advanced technologies will be used to ensure direct access to national corrections data bases, and fast, efficient communication across the Service and with our national and international partners.


  • Meet the expanding requirements for applied research related to corrections policy, programming and management practices in addictions
  • Establish co-operative and complementary relationships with others
  • Provide facilities for internationally recognized researchers to address priority issues
  • Promote research and development activities in addictions and corrections
  • Enhance research skills and offer developmental opportunities


  • New models for community intervention with addicted offenders
  • Intensive support units for incarcerated offenders
  • Addressing the needs of the most severely addicted offenders
  • Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
  • Methadone maintenance treatment
  • Treatment program for Aboriginal offenders
  • Addressing needs of addicted women offenders
  • Redevelopment of assessment processes for substance abuse problems
  • Random drug testing
  • Inventory of addictions researchers in Canada

Our goal is to create opportunities for shared development and learning through joint projects with
correctional systems, addictions agencies, other government departments, and universities and colleges.

Contact Us

Addictions Research Centre
23 Brook St., P.O. Box 1360,
Montague, P.E.I., Canada, C0A 1R0
phone: (902) 838-5900 fax: (902) 838-3537
internet address:
