Register now for the Entrepreneur to CEO Workshop, January 29th - February 3rd, 2006. - CLICK HERE FOR REGISTRATION FORM -



CETAC-WEST is a private sector, not-for-profit corporation committed to

helping small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) engaged in the

development and commercialization of new environmental technologies.


Established in 1994 by Environment Canada, CETAC-WEST delivers

its services to SMEs in the four western provinces through its office

in Calgary. The corporation has formed linkages between technology

producers, industry experts, and investment sources to facilitate this



In the eleven years it has been operating, CETAC-WEST has reviewed

over 400 project opportunities throughout Western Canada.

Purpose: To help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to
commercialize environmental technologies.

Philosophy: We do not pick winners, we make winners.

Supported by:










Head Office
# 420, 715 - 5th Ave SW
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T2P 2X6
Tel: (403) 777-9595
Fax: (403) 777-9599

For CETAC services in other provinces contact:


Ontario: OCETA

Quebec & Atlantic provinces:
Enviro Access

Copyright 2005 - CETAC-WEST