Financial Consumer Agency of Canada - Agence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada

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Brochures and Booklets

Consumer Guides


Understanding Your Credit Report and Credit Score

This publication provides key information on how to obtain and understand your credit report and score, as well as what to do if you find errors on your credit report.

August 5, 2005

Business Plan – April 2005 to March 2007

May 6, 2005

Annual Report 2004-2005

October 3, 2005

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Past issues

Considering an Investment Product Tied to the Stock Market's Performance?

What you should know about index-linked deposits sold in Canada.

August 27, 2003

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Consumer Inquiries and Complaints

Please note that Consumer Inquiries and Complaints has been moved to the Facts & Figures section of our Media Room. The title of this publication has been changed to "FCAC Quarterly Statistics". Click here to be redirected to FCAC Quarterly Statistics.

Credit Cards and You

This section includes an interactive tool, which will help you shop around for credit cards that best suit your needs. Click here to access the tool.

Credit Cards and You will also help you answer all the questions you may have about credit cards. It includes the following documents:

Released: November 16, 2005

Cost of Banking Guide

The Cost of Banking Guide on-line tool is designed to help you find the best banking service package for you. It takes the information you provide and uses it to assess your banking needs. It then presents you with the banking service packages that will best meet these needs.

April 15, 2003

June 2005

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Consumer's Guide to Basic Banking Services, March 2002

The Consumer's Guide to Basic Banking Services was produced by the FCAC as a companion piece to The Cost of Banking - Annual Report 2002 (previously entitled Financial Service Charges Annual Report), produced by Industry Canada's Office of Consumer Affairs. This guide provides plain-language information to help clarify the cost of basic banking services for consumers.

Current issue:
Spring 2002

The ABCs of Mortgages

This publication outlines the terms and conditions of your mortgage, your rights and responsibilities, and tips on how to pay your mortgage off faster.

Spring 2004

December, 2005
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The Cost of Payday Loans

This publication explains payday loans, describes their costs, and compares these costs with other types of loans available to consumers.

December 2004

August 2005

Brochures and Booklets

A new approach to Helping Consumers HTML Version (plain language)HTML version
PDF VersionPDF version (226 kB)
Cashing your Government of Canada Cheque for Free HTML Version (plain language)HTML version
PDF Version (plain language)PDF version (881 kB)
Low-Cost Accounts

Low-Cost Accounts (plain language)
HTML VersionHTML version

HTML Version (plain language)HTML version
PDF Version (plain language)PDF version (186 kB)
Opening a Personal Bank Account HTML Version (plain language)HTML version
PDF Version (plain language)PDF version (1,317 kB)
Playing it Safe - How to Protect Your Credit Card and Credit History PDF VersionPDF version (378 kB)
What you should know if your branch closes PDF VersionPDF version (183 kB)
Your New Banking Rights HTML VersionHTML version
PDF VersionPDF version (510 kB)
Your rights and responsibilities — What you should know when you open a bank account HTML VersionHTML version

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Last Modified: 2006-01-03
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