National Capital Commission

The NCC has a mandate, through the National Capital Act, to prepare plans for federal lands in the National Capital Region. Other lands are planned by municipalities. Planning is the mechanism by which a great Capital will be achieved.

National Interest Land Mass

Certain lands are essential to the long-term task of ensuring that the Capital region is physically coherent, effective in terms of its functioning and symbolically meaningful to Canadians. These lands are called the “National Interest Land Mass” (NILM). NILM lands that the federal government — mainly through the NCC — has gathered together over the past century include parks, monuments, public places, heritage buildings, shorelines and large areas of green space, such as Gatineau Park and the Greenbelt. They combine, as the NILM, to create a Capital that will inspire Canadians with pride and be passed on as a legacy for future generations. They are the lands that the NCC focuses on particularly when preparing its plans.

The Role of the NCC - Federal Planning and Coordinating Agency

The federal government has a large presence in the Capital region, and collectively it owns many lands and buildings. It is the job of planners here at the NCC to make sure that all federal properties are managed and developed in a way that contributes to their "Capital" significance and image, as set out in the Plan for Canada’s Capital and other more detailed plans. Specifically, the NCC:

  • guides the use, physical development and management of NCC-owned lands (about
    10 percent of all land in the 4,715-square-kilometre Capital region)
  • coordinates development of lands owned by other federal departments and agencies

Capitals differ in many ways from other cities. Most great capitals were built over several centuries and, like this one, they evolved in a context of constant change. What does not change, however, is the idea of a Capital, which guides planners here at the NCC to make the Capital:

  • a place of symbols, with monuments, public art and public buildings that tell us who we are
  • a political centre, the seat of government
  • a cultural heartland, with collections, celebrations and landscapes that embody a people’s traditions
  • an administrative centre where public servants work hard to deliver services
  • a knowledge centre, where research and innovation set new standards

Principles for Action

To ensure that the Capital develops according to these ideas, planners apply Capital Planning Principles. To make sure that federal plans fit into the local context, planners apply Regional Planning Principles as well, keeping in mind the following general principles:

  • sustainable development
  • quality of life and the well-being of citizens
  • healthy communities

From the Mandate to Plans

National Capital Act

inspire pride and unity


  • making the Capital a meeting place
  • communicating Canada
  • safeguarding treasures

sustainable development

  • capital planning
  • regional planning

for federal lands

  • visionary plans
  • management/development plans
  • land use, transactions and design approvals
    (including environmental assessment
    and heritage analysis)

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Modified: Tuesday December 13, 2005
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