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Commercial Building Incentive Program (CBIP)


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Commercial Building Incentive Program (CBIP) for New Buildings

Natural Resources Canada's Office of Energy Efficiency encourages the design and construction of new, energy-efficient commercial, institutional and multi-unit residential buildings and facilities. The Commercial Building Incentive Program (CBIP) provides design assistance and funding of up to $60,000 for eligible organizations based on building energy savings.

Energy-efficient buildings yield long-term energy savings. Lower operating costs increase the resale value of the building and provide a competitive leasing advantage over standard buildings.

Find out how CBIP funding works. Our buildings, industry and equipment page also offers quick links to initiatives and incentives for other types of facilities.


Screening ToolThis link opens a new window.
EE4-CBIPThis link opens a new window.
EE WizardThis link opens a new window.
Gigajoule and Energy Efficiency Calculator

What's New

December 23, 2005
MNECB Article – Floor insulation

November 17, 2005
New – Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

August 30, 2005
Updated MNECB/CBIP Mandatory Requirements Checklist

August 9, 2005
CBIP/IBIP Submission Checklist

Next: How CBIP funding works

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