Financial Consumer Agency of Canada - Agence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada

Results of the FCAC Consumer
Contact Centre Client Survey

In 2003, the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) hired an independent research company to survey Canadians who had telephoned its Consumer Contact Centre. FCAC’s Consumer Contact Centre is the Agency’s main point of access for consumers. Nearly 87 per cent of the Canadians who contact FCAC do so through the Centre’s toll-free telephone numbers.

The purpose of this survey was to obtain feedback from consumers about the service they received from FCAC; to learn about the financial service issues that are important to them; and to obtain a better profile of FCAC’s clientele. Slightly more than 600 consumers took part in the telephone interview that was conducted between July 28 and October 28, 2003.

Since this was the first time FCAC undertook this kind of survey, it will serve as a benchmark for evaluating FCAC’s service in the future. FCAC intends to repeat the survey every two years.

Click here to view the main results of the 2003 survey

Protecting Consumers / Informing Canadians Canada

Last Modified: 2005-10-17