National Capital Commission

The National Capital Act gives the NCC the responsibility to approve changes of use, development projects or other works, and land transactions on NCC or on any federal lands in the Capital region.

The NCC receives many different requests involving federal lands. We provide separate approvals for federal land use, land transactions and design. We streamline the approvals process wherever possible, and provide a joint land use and design approval. Once approval has been granted for use of NCC lands, an easement and/or a licence of occupation may be required. A land access permit is also required before you start work on NCC land.

Objectives of Federal Approvals

  • to coordinate the use and development of federal lands in order to enhance the unique character and quality of the Capital region
  • to implement approved federal plans, as well as federal environmental and heritage policies and legislation
  • to ensure that development and other works are planned and designed to standards and qualities that are appropriate to their significance and location
  • to harmonize federal decisions with relevant provincial and municipal legislation and plans
  • to achieve all of the above in an accessible, effective and fair manner

Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA)

Environmental impact assessments must be prepared for all proposals that require federal land use and design approval, and for some land access permits.

Federal Land Use Approvals (FLUA) are necessary for:

  • Master, sector or area/development plans for federal lands, or amendments to these plans
  • Construction and other work affecting a federal site (including extensions to a building)
  • Demolition of a building or other structure
  • A change of the use of any federal lands or buildings on federal land in the Capital region

Federal Land Transaction Approvals (FLTA) are required for:

  • The sale, transfer or disposal of federal lands or rights on such lands
  • The acquisition or exchange of land by a federal department or agency

Federal Design Approvals (FDA)

The object of design review is to ensure that the layout, design and development of any projects on federal lands are appropriate to the importance and location of the project, and fit into the Capital, environmental and heritage context of the site. If work will affect designated federal heritage buildings, the advice of the Federal Heritage Buildings Review Office (FHBRO) must be obtained.

Federal Design Approvals are required for

  • erecting, alterating or extending a building
  • roads and other infrastructure
  • access and parking
  • landscaping and site development
  • signs and banners 
  • commemorations and statues
  • lighting and streetscape improvements
  • parks, recreational pathways and play areas

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Modified: Wednesday January 4, 2006
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