National Capital Commission

Many people come to the Capital Region from all over Canada to take part in the July 1 festivities. On Canada Day 2005, over 500 people volunteered more than 3,700 hours on Parliament Hill, at Confederation, Jacques-Cartier and Major's Hill parks and Canada and the World Pavilion to help make the day a success. Why not join us in 2006 and experience Canada Day like never before!

Join our team of volunteers!

  • Call the NCC Volunteer Centre at (613) 239-5373

Volunteer Opportunities: All Sites

Position Description Comments
Flag Distributor Distribute Canadian flags and ensure that all souvenirs are distributed to the general public in a pleasant and courteous manner. You will also be required to ensure that empty boxes are properly collected and thrown away. Bilingualism an asset.
Floater Be available to help the coordinator and assist with duties. Replace other volunteers during their lunch breaks. Be flexible.
Logistics Assistant Assist the NCC Project Coordinator in setting up and dismantling the site, as well as other related tasks. Be prepared to do physical work.
Crowd Control Officer Assist with crowd control, ensure security within the area and help people line-up for an activity. You will also be asked to help set up and dismantle the activity, and help out with other duties. Be polite, courteous and friendly.
Artist Assistant/Host Welcome artists and control access to the designated area. Set up the dressing rooms (tables, chairs and curtains). Keep rooms and backstage area clean. Assist artists with equipment and any other needs. Distribute food and beverages. Other related tasks. Be polite, courteous and friendly.

Volunteer Opportunities: Major's Hill Park

Position Description Comments
Arts and Crafts Assistant Assist in tent set-up, help children make crafts, hand out materials as needed, make sure work area is clean and secure. Control access to the tent and help with workshops. Enjoy working with kids; bilingualism an asset.
Great Canadian Chicken BBQ Assistant Various positions, including· handing out promotional items· blowing up balloons (with pump)· working behind service counter(assembling chicken sandwiches, serving customers, etc.)Keeping condiment table and VIP area clean.  

Volunteer Opportunities: Parliament Hill

Position Description Comments
Camera/Cable Puller Assist a camera person by pulling the camera cables in the crowd for all the non-TV events on Parliament Hill. Plan on having to stand still, run and walk. You will need to keep looking at the camera person and trying to anticipate her or his movements. Be prepared for exposure to the sun, extreme heat, rain, dirt, etc.! Be physically fit; be prepared to stand still for long periods of time.
Ice Runner Deliver bags of ice to various locations on Parliament Hill from a central location. The ice is used in coolers to keep beverages cool. Must be able to carry heavy bags of ice.

Volunteer Opportunities: Jacques-Cartier Park

Position Description Comments
Arts and Crafts Assistant Assist in setting up the tent, help children with crafts, hand out materials as needed. Make sure work area is clean and secure. Control access to tent and help with workshops. Enjoy working with kids; be able to speak French.

Modified: Thursday February 2, 2006
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