National Capital Commission

The Capital region is the headquarters of many important international agencies and a place where Canada connects to the world. Here also, Canadians can discover their place in the global community.

Visiting heads of state arrive as guests at Rideau Hall, official residence of the Governor General.

Foreign Affairs Canada and International Trade Canada reach out to the world through some 250 diplomatic missions overseas.

Foreign governments speak to Canadians through more than 100 foreign delegations in the Capital region.

The Canadian International Development Agency serves the cause of aid and development.

Trade missions organized by Team Canada (headquartered in the Capital region) bring business leaders and government together to sell Canadian goods and services to the world.

Dozens of agencies, governmental and non-governmental, manage foreign operations (humanitarian, business, technological) from the Capital region (for example, the International Research and Development Centre).

The National Research Council of Canada invests in scientific and technological innovations that have literally changed the world (for example, new vaccines to fight infant meningitis).

Every year on Canada Day (July 1), internationally acclaimed Canadian performers take to the stage on Parliament Hill to sing and dance for Canada.

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