Interagency Advisory Panel on Research Ethics - Government of Canada
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Applications & Proposals

Call for Applications for a Grant:
Two Virtual Scholars (VS) in Research Ethics

(Extended deadline: July 9, 2004)

Procedural and Definitional Issues in the TCPS:

A. Procedures for Ongoing Human Research Ethics Review
B. Procedures for Ethics Review of Multi-Centred Research Projects


In November 2001, the federal granting agencies - Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) - jointly created the Interagency Advisory Panel on Research Ethics (PRE), supported by the Secretariat on Research Ethics (SRE). The Agencies have mandated PRE to advise them on the further development and evolution of the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS) of 1998.

To address its mandate, PRE has created several advisory working groups, including PRE's Subgroup on Procedural Issues for the TCPS (ProGroup). Created in March 2003, ProGroup has been asked to provide advice and recommendations to PRE by helping to identify and advise on priorities, and by coordinating the development of procedural and definitional revisions in the TCPS. ProGroup began by conducting initial consultation and outreach in the community in summer and fall 2003.

PRE now plans to involve two Virtual Scholars (VS) in six months of intensive research on two of the top priority procedural and definitional issues in the TCPS. Applicants must submit their applications for a grant to the Secretariat on Research Ethics (SRE) by July 5, 2004.


The goals of this VS initiative are to:

  • assess the state of knowledge of selected human research ethics topics as specified in appendices A and B of this call for applications
  • promote interdisciplinary research for human research ethics policy development
  • engage scholars, analysts, policy makers and stakeholders in concerted study of the priority definitional and procedural issues for potential TCPS reform
  • provide policy-relevant advice to ProGroup on the two topics to be studied.


The VSs will support PRE's research and analysis of priority TCPS procedural and definitional issues identified by ProGroup and the research community. Each VS will work on one of the two TCPS procedural and definitional areas and on that area will:

  • draft a discussion paper to support consultation on definitional and procedural norms in the TCPS
  • prepare one or more background/technical papers
  • attend, or participate in the organization of, workshops, meetings and/or conferences of PRE, its partners or collaborators
  • participate in consultations with stakeholders and the public.

As elaborated in appendices A and B, the VSs will undertake other related activities as part of a coherent research work plan that may include other VSs working on overlapping areas of priority.

The VS will work with ProGroup generally through regular liaison with the Secretariat on Research Ethics, and via regular teleconference meetings with ProGroup.


The VS should have the following qualifications:

  • graduate (master's or PhD) to professorial (visiting, adjunct, assistant, etc.) level of education in a relevant discipline (such as philosophy, bioethics, law, engineering or social sciences)
  • affiliation with a Canadian institution eligible to receive funds from any of the three granting agencies (CIHR, NSERC or SSHRC)
  • knowledge of the work of the Interagency Advisory Panel and Secretariat on Research Ethics, and particularly the work of PRE's ProGroup
  • understanding of PRE's Virtual Scholar program for procedural and definitional issues of the TCPS
  • solid training and experience in, and understanding of, human research ethics issues
  • demonstrated experience with the research ethics standards and processes of the TCPS
  • excellent research, writing and analytical skills
  • excellent communication skills
  • understanding of basic concepts of multiple areas of research in health, natural and social sciences, engineering and humanities
  • experience as a member of a Research Ethics Board (REB) is desirable
  • ability to conduct research in both official languages (English and French) is an asset.

The VS is expected to devote 50 percent of his/her professional time from his/her present location. He/she will travel on occasion to Ottawa, and possibly to other locations for meetings and consultations.

Value and Duration of the Grant

Two applications will be funded, one for each of the initiatives outlined in appendices A and B. Each VS will receive a stipend of $16K to $20K for a six-month period of intensive research. Applicants must justify their request for funds in the budget section of their application. The stipend covers salary or release time plus other additional eligible expenses such as travel.

Grant funds are transferred to a grant account administered by the post-secondary institution to which the successful candidate is affiliated. All expenditures must be authorized in accordance with the terms and conditions of awards for the three granting agencies. They are intended to ensure sound financial and administrative practices.

Application Process and Deadlines

Applicants must submit a statement of interest, proposed work plan, and curriculum vitae (for details, see below). Candidates applying for both areas must submit an application for each topic. Applications must be submitted by July 5, 2004.

1. Statement of interest
A statement (maximum 700 words) of your interest, expertise and experience in this project. Please respond to the following questions:

  • Which topic are you applying to work on: "Procedures for Ethics Review of Ongoing Human Research" (detailed in Appendix A) or "A Need to Amend Multi-Centred Research Ethics Review Under the TCPS?" (detailed in Appendix B)?
  • How are you qualified to undertake this work?
  • How would you contribute to PRE and, more specifically, to this initiative?

Be sure to address all the selection criteria listed under "Eligibility," above.

2. Proposed work plan
A 2-4 page work plan that outlines your proposed methodology, deliverables (including timelines) and budget.

3. Curriculum vitae
A statement of your related work and study experience.

Please send your complete application by courier, mail, fax or e-mail to:

By courier or mail:
Call for Applications, Interagency Advisory Panel on Research Ethics
Secretariat on Research Ethics
350 Albert Street
Ottawa ON K1A 1H5

By fax: (613) 996-7117

By e-mail (as attachment):


A committee will assess the applications based on the eligibility criteria detailed above and on applicants' proposed work plan and budget.

The Virtual Scholars will be selected during summer 2004, and will commence work in fall 2004.

Confidentiality of Information

All information and documents received will be kept confidential under the federal Privacy and Access to Information Act. Unless applicants request otherwise, the Secretariat on Research Ethics will retain the submitted information and documents for three years, for consideration for future PRE initiatives.

Further Information

For further information, contact the Secretariat on Research Ethics.

telephone: (613) 996-0072
Web site:
Appendix A: Procedures for Ethics Review of Ongoing Human Research
Appendix B: A Need to Amend Multi-Centred Research Ethics Review Under the TCPS?

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