National Capital Commission

Employer of ChoiceThe NCC is a Crown corporation that was created by Parliament in 1959 as the steward of federal lands and buildings in the National Capital Region, with a mandate and mission to build the Capital region into a source of pride and unity for Canadians.

If you have only seen the Capital region in photographs, your idea of it may be limited to the silhouette of the Parliament Buildings. But there is much more to this region — 4,715 square kilometres more.

Along with its two predecessor organizations — the Federal District Commission (FDC) and the Ottawa Improvement Commission (OIC) — the NCC has worked since 1899 to make the Capital an expression of the Canadian identity. Thanks to the steady, persistent and focused efforts of generation after generation of planners and landscape architects, Canada's Capital is today a model of unspoiled shorelines, scenic parkways and boulevards, preserved heritage, monuments and expansive parks. Just as importantly, the Capital has become a place for national encounters, celebrations, commemorations and learning.

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