National Capital Commission

Tripartite National Capital Planning Committee

A special tripartite committee bringing together the NCC, the City of Ottawa and the City of Gatineau was established in 2002 to address planning initiatives and issues of common interest to both sides of the Ottawa River.

The committee, comprising the Chairman of the NCC and the mayors of the cities of Ottawa and Gatineau, is intended to foster coordination between the NCC and the two amalgamated municipalities and to allow for regular interaction on a broad spectrum of planning matters. This initiative allows municipal leaders to participate more actively in the work of the NCC and enables the NCC to have greater insight into the plans and decision-making of municipal leaders.

The committee meets three to four times a year, and the committee Chair, Marcel Beaudry, reports to the NCC Board of Directors on the proceedings of the committee meetings during the NCC’s Board of Directors Annual Public Meeting.

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Modified: Monday December 5, 2005
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