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Departmental Performance Report (4)


A: Transportation Safety Statistics

B: Links to Other Organizations Involved in Transportation Safety

C: Audited Financial Statements

Appendix A
Transportation Safety Statistics

The following table presents the statistics on transportation occurrences by mode, including comparisons with the five-year average. Taking into account the level of activity in each mode, the accident rates for 2003 continue to exhibit a general downward trend.

Transportation Occurrences by Mode - 2003 versus Previous Five-Year Average (1998-2002)
  Marine Pipeline Rail Air
2003 546 20 1030 372
2002 485 20 984 323
Five-Year Average 537 20 1062 380
2003 18 0 79 75
2002 28 0 96 63
Five-Year Average 34 0 98 131
2003 221 38 295 834
2002 174 35 303 865
Five-Year Average 201 35 345 783

The following table presents data on accident rates by mode for the current year, as well as the five-year average. Keeping in mind that each has its own inherent limitations, these aggregate measures of activity provide a general point of reference.

Accident Rates in Transportation - 2003 versus Previous Five-Year Average (1998-2002)
  Marine1 Pipeline2 Rail3 Air4
2003 2.7 1.5 11.5 7.8
2002 3 1.6 11 7.4
Five-Year Average 3.2 1.7 11.9 8.3
1 Canadian-flag shipping accidents for vessels of 15 grt or more (excluding passenger vessels, passenger ferries and fishing vessels)per 1,000 movements.
2 Per exajoule.
3 Accidents other than crossing or trespasser accidents which occur on a main track or spur per million main-track train miles.
4 Canadian registered aircraft accidents (excluding ultralights, gliders, balloons and gyrocopters) per 100,000 hours.

Appendix A Figure 1 - Canadian Flag Shipping Accident Rates 1994-2003

Appendix A Figure 1. 

Canadian Flag Shipping Accident Rates 1994-2003[D]appa1

Appendix A Figure 2 - Canadian Railway Main-Track Accident Rates 1994-2003

Appendix A Figure 2. 

Canadian Railway Main-Track Accident Rates 1994-2003[D]appa2

Appendix A Figure 3 - Canadian Registered Aircraft Accident Rates 1994-2003

Appendix A Figure 3. 

Canadian Registered Aircraft Accident Rates 1994-2003[D]appa3

More comprehensive information is available on the TSB web site or in Chapter 4 of the Transportation in Canada 2003: Annual Report published by Transport Canada.

Appendix B
Links to Other Organizations
Involved in Transportation Safety

More information on transportation safety in Canada is available from other federal government agencies who play a role in this area. The Internet links for the main organizations are as follows:

Transport Canada
National Energy Board
Canadian Coast Guard
Canadian Transportation Agency
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada
National Defence

More information on transportation safety in selected countries is available on the following Internet sites:


United States


National Transportation Safety Board
Federal Aviation Administration




Australian Transport Safety Bureau




Bureau enquêtes accidents


United Kingdom


Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Marine Accidents Investigation Branch




International Civil Aviation Organization
International Maritime Organization
International Transportation Safety Association

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Updated: 2005-04-15

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