Financial Consumer Agency of Canada - Agence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada

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 Compliance Information

 Obligations of Financial Institutions: For Banks

Banks Insurance companies Trust and loan companies Retail associations

The Bank Act is the primary legislation governing all banks in Canada. The FCAC is responsible for administering the consumer provisions summarized in the chart below.

For the full text of the provisions, download the Consumer Provisions of the Bank Act.

Obligations of Banks
Branch closures
Requirement to provide a minimum notice period before closing a retail branch
Cashing federal
government cheques
Prohibition on charging for cashing federal government cheques.

Obligation to cash federal government cheques to a maximum value of $1,500 with appropriate identification, to be specified by a new regulation.
Coercive tied selling
Prohibition on using coercion in selling and linking sales of products and services
Committee of the Board
of Directors
Requirement to designate a committee of the Board of Directors to monitor procedures regarding disclosure of information to customers and to deal with complaints, as required under the Act
[Vers le haut]
Complaint procedures
Requirement to put in place a procedure for handling complaints, and to file a copy of the procedure with the FCAC

Requirement to provide information to customers on contacting the FCAC
Disclosure requirements
Requirement to disclose information to consumers with respect to:

  • interest and charges applicable to deposit accounts
  • cost of borrowing
  • terms and conditions of loan prepayments
  • a customer's rights and obligations when being issued a credit, charge or payment card, and any associated costs
  • prohibition on coercive tied selling
  • insurability of deposits by CDIC
  • hold periods on cheques
  • index-linked deposits, and how interest on these deposits is calculated
  • any other products and services, policies, procedures or practices, as specified by regulation

Requirement to provide information to FCAC Commissioner as deemed necessary
Opening/closing a retail deposit account (RDA)
Requirement to open retail deposit accounts for consumers meeting certain conditions. More…
Opening a second bank account by telephone
Within 14 days of opening an RDA by telephone, consumer right to close the account without charge
Loans and credit/charge cards
Consumer right to prepayment of certain types

Prohibition on loans that require minimum credit balances to be maintained by borrower, unless expressly agreed to
Public Accountability Statements
Requirement for large institutions to file Public Accountability Statements

[Vers le haut]
FCAC/ACFC Toll-free 1.866.461.FCAC (3222) Protecting Consumers / Informing Canadians
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Last Modified: 2003-09-30
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