Financial Consumer Agency of Canada - Agence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada

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 For Consumers

 Making a Complaint

If you have a complaint or problem with a federally regulated financial institution, there are options available to help you resolve it. Here are the steps to follow.

STEP 1: Dealing with your financial institution

Your first step is to try to resolve the problem directly with your financial institution. This may involve dealing with branch staff or the local representative. Keep in mind that financial institutions must help if you want to make a complaint. Every federal financial institution is required by law to have a process for handling complaints, including staff dedicated to the job. The financial sector is one of the few industries to have this requirement.

If you have difficulty finding out about your institution's complaint handling process or experience problems using it, we want to know.

If you don't know the complaint handling process for your financial institution, you can call us toll-free: 1-866-461-3222 and we will be pleased to provide you with it.

STEP 2: Third-party review

If the complaint hasn’t been resolved to your satisfaction, you can have it reviewed by a third party. Federal financial institutions must belong to an ombudsman or an external dispute resolution body, whose role is to help resolve disputes in a fair and impartial manner. This service is non-binding and available to any individual or small business with a complaint against a federal financial institution. You will need to provide full details and submit your complaint in writing along with any supporting documentation.

When to contact the FCAC

If you think a financial institution has violated your rights under federal law, we want to hear from you. The FCAC is responsible for ensuring that financial institutions comply with federal consumer legislation, and we investigate any complaint that relates to a possible breach. Call us toll-free at 1-866-461-3222 or learn more about how we handle complaints.

How do you know if your complaint involves a possible breach of federal law? Review the following provisions to know your rights.

FCAC/ACFC Toll-free 1.866.461.FCAC (3222) Protecting Consumers / Informing Canadians
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Last Modified: 2004-02-04
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