Financial Consumer Agency of Canada - Agence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada

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 About the Financial Services Sector

 Facts & Figures

Did you know?

Canada's financial services sector:
  • employs more than half a million Canadians;
  • supports approximately half a million other jobs indirectly through purchases of supplies, equipment and services;
  • provides a yearly payroll of over $22 billion;
  • exports nearly $50 billion worth of services annually;
  • represents 5% of Canada's gross domestic product, a proportion exceeded only by the manufacturing sector;
  • yields over $9 billion in tax revenue to all levels of governments;
  • ranks 5th worldwide in terms of international competitiveness (source: World Economic Forum);
  • is widely acknowledged as one of the safest and healthiest in the world.

About the different institutions

Several thousand companies populate the financial landscape. Read the following fact sheets for specific information on the various institutions. Industry associations such as the Interac Association, the Canadian Payments Association and the Investment Funds Institute of Canada produce a range of statistics on their members. You can access these and other organizations in our Links section under "Industry Associations and Educational Institutions."
Protecting Consumers / Informing Canadians
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Last Modified: 2003-05-28
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