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 Canada Health Portal
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Canada Health Portal Survey
The Canada Health Portal would like to evaluate the effectiveness of recent promotion campaigns and would like your feedback. We would appreciate if you could take a couple of minutes to answer the 15 questions below.
1. How many times have you visited the Canada Health Portal in the last six months.

2. How did you learn about the Canada Health Portal? Check all that apply:


3. What did you do on the Canada Health Portal? Check all that apply.


4. Looking back, how did the service/information you received from the Canada Health Portal compare to what you expected?

5. Did you get the information you were looking for?


6. Overall, how satisfied were you with this website?

7. How likely are you to visit this website again?

8. Do you have any comments or suggestions that you would like to share with the Canada Health Portal? Comments

9. About You: (These questions are for statistical purposes only. All of your answers are completely confidential and the results will only be used in the aggregate.) Are you:

10. Your Age category:

11. How many children under the age of 18, if any, do you currently have living at home with you?


12. Did you visit the website for personal or professional reasons?

13. How would you describe your computer skills?

14. Did you access the website from home, work, school or at another location?


15. In what size of community do you live?

Submit/Reset the Form


Thank you for participating! Your feedback helps us to improve our services.