Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission | Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunications canadiennes

Symbol of the Government of Canada

Canadian Program Certification

Co-Venture/Co-Production with a Foreign Country



1. Does the Canadian production company have an equal measure of decision-making responsibility with the other co-venture/co-production partners on all  elements of the production?
    YES (  ) NO (  )
2. Is the Canadian production company responsible for the administration of at least the Canadian element of the production budget?
    YES (  ) NO (  )
3. Is there a single bank account for payment of all elements of the program?
    YES (  ) NO (  )
4. If "yes" to (3), does the Canadian production company have sole or co-signing authority on the account?
    N/A (  ) YES (  ) NO (  )
5. If "no" to (3), is there a Canadian bank account for payment of the Canadian elements of the program?
    N/A (  ) YES (  ) NO (  )
6. Does the Canadian production company have at least a 50% financial participation  position in the production? 
    YES (  ) NO (  )
7. Is the Canadian production company entitled to at least 50% of the world-wide profits of the production?
    YES (  ) NO (  )
8. Is the Canadian production company at financial risk through having any of its own funds invested in the production, either through debt and/or equity?
    YES (  ) NO (  )
  A signed and dated copy of the co-venture/co-production agreement must be attached as Schedule 8. The co-venture/co-production agreement must clearly substantiate the information in each of the foregoing questions for which a "yes" response has been provided.

This document is available in alternative format upon request.
CRTC - Schedule 1 (2006-01-04) - Canadian Program Certification - Co-Venture/Co-Production with a Foreign Country
version française disponible


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