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Government Web sites

Publications by Departments and Agencies
This page contains links to the publications sections on Government of Canada Web sites.

New! - Provincial and Territorial Government Publications
This page contains links to the publications sections on Canada's provincial and territorial Government Web sites.

Canada and International Organizations

Info Source
Info Source is a series of publications and databases containing information about the Government of Canada, its organization and information holdings.


Non-Government Web sites

Hyperlink Notice: The following Web sites are provided solely as a convenience for users. We are not responsible for the accuracy, currency or reliablility of the content. Information offered by these Web sites may not be subject to the Official Languages Act and may only be available in the language(s) used by the sites in question.

Association of Canadian Publishers
The Association of Canadian Publishers aims to encourage the writing, publishing, distribution and promotion of Canadian books.

Association for the Export of Canadian Books
The Association for the Export of Canadian Books assists Canadian book publishers develop and increase their sales in international markets by providing market intellegence as well as financial and promotional and logistical support.

Canadian Booksellers Association
The Canadian Booksellers Association works for the current and future economic well-being of booksellers, by promoting their interests and meeting their needs.

Canadian Library Association
The Canadian Library Association is the national English language association which represents those who work in or advocate for Canada's estimated 21,000 libraries.


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