CACC - Main Page

elcome to the Canadian Association for Community Care website.

November 29, 2006
Ottawa, November 29, 2006. The Chair and Board of Directors of CACC are pleased to announce their choice of two extremely well qualified individuals as CACC’s participant observer appointees to the CHA Board of Directors for a three-year term. They are Dalyce Cruikshank and Joe McReynolds.
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November 29, 2006
Ottawa, November 29, 2006. The Board of Directors and the President and CEO of the Canadian Association for Community Care take great pleasure in announcing that the winner of the 2006 Marion Stephenson Award is Ms. Fran O’Hara, Executive Director of the Haliburton, Northumberland and Victoria Access Centre (HNV CCAC) in southeastern Ontario.
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June 12, 2006
Ottawa, Ontario, June 12, 2006 — The Canadian Association for Community Care (CACC) and Canadian Healthcare Association (CHA) today announced their decision to join together.
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March 9, 2006
On March 9, 2006, the Chairs of CACC and the Canadian Healthcare Association issued a joint communiqué concerning progress towards amalgamation of the two associations.
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December 5, 2005
CACC Chair, Archie MacKeigan informs members about discussions with the Canadian Healthcare Association to explore the possibility of integration.
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Ontario Community Support Association and the Canadian Association For Community Care to Launch National Online Networking Group. More…

Recent Publications

CACC releases Meals on Wheels Best Practices for 2020 and Beyond
Final Report (PDF)

CACC releases Using Physical Exercise to Enhance the Health of Adults 65+ who are Family Caregivers
Executive Summary (PDF)

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CACC releases Taking Action Against Abuse of Seniors
Final Report (PDF)
CACC releases Outreach to Informal Caregivers: A Virtual Support System
Executive Summary (PDF)
CACC releases Give Me a Break! Helping Family Caregivers of Seniors Overcome Barriers to Respite.
Executive Summary (PDF)

Fact Sheet (PDF)

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CACC releases The Safe Use of Medicines: A Workshop for Caregivers of Seniors.
Acknowledgements and Introduction (PDF)

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CACC and the Canadian Home Care Association release the brief: Sustaining Canada's Health Care System: The Role of Home and Community Care.
PDF Version
Also available from CACC: Best Practices in Respite Care for Families of Children with Special Needs: Phase Three Report on Three Ontario Communities
Acknowledgements and Executive Summary (PDF)

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