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Pan-Canadian Funding Practice in Communities is a new report examining the Government of Canada's current funding practices for the voluntary sector. The full report and the executive summary can be found on the Funding Matters page. [September 11, 2006]

The Children in North America Project released a working paper entitled The Impact of North American Economic Integration on Children, which is now available for download. [August 11, 2006]

Now available: a 45-slide Powerpoint presentation on children's well-being, using data from The Progress of Canada's Children. [August 9, 2006]

Wayne Helgason is the Chair of the CCSD's Board of Directors. [July 11, 2006]

The Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector in Ontario, by Katherine Scott, kicks off a series of regional reports on the vital 'third pillar' of Canadian society. [June 29, 2006]

Are children being left off the North American agenda? Read the CCSD's intervention at a recent meeting of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation in Washington, DC. [June 28, 2006]

The 2005 poverty lines are now available. [June 20, 2006]

The Children in North America Project is a tri-national project that aims to highlight the condition and well-being of children and youth in Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Growing Up in North America is the first in a series of indicator reports. It is available in three languages, free of charge while quantities last. [May 2, 2006]

Hot off the press: The Progress of Canada's Children 2006. This is the seventh in a series of popular social indicators reports tracking the well-being of Canadian kids over time. For the first time ever, we've made the entire report (and more!) available on the CCSD website. [April 26, 2006]

A new research report looks at the contributions immigrants make to Canada through volunteer work, charitable giving and participation in community organizations. Making Connections: Social and Civic Engagement among Canadian Immigrants is available in its entirety online, along with fact sheets, a Powerpoint presentation, a series of illustrative Canadian stories, and more. [April 24, 2006]

CCSD is pleased to announce the unveiling of our new Stats & Facts site today. This site offers up-to-date data on Canadian demographics, families and education. Additional material will be added in the coming months, including fact sheets on the labour market, economic security and health. [April 13, 2006]

On the eve of the Cancun Summit, CCSD urges Harper, Bush and Fox not to ignore the interests of 120 million children. [March 29, 2006]

Canadian Council on Social Development
190 O'Connor Street, 1st Floor
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2P 2R3

Tel: (613) 236-8977
Fax: (613) 236-2750


United WayThe CCSD is proud to be a Member Agency of the United Way.