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The Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA) is a national, independent, not-for-profit, voluntary association representing public health in Canada with links to the international public health community. CPHA's members believe in universal and equitable access to the basic conditions which are necessary to achieve health for all Canadians.

Canadian Public Health Association's 97th Annual Conference logo

graphic link to Influenza website

graphic link to Canadian Health Network website
CPHA is proud to be
the HIV/AIDS Affiliate to
the Canadian Health Network
arrow Election 2006 Views
arrow Pot and Driving Project
arrow 11th World Congress on Public Health - Rio de Janeiro, Brasil (Aug. 21st - 25th, 2006)
arrow Membership Information
arrow Items of Interest
arrow Training
arrow Canadian Public Health Association 96th Annual Conference
arrow Canadian Coalition for Public Health in the 21st Century
arrow Report of the Second Canadian Conference on Literacy and Health
arrow New at CPHA
arrow CPHA Employment Opportunities

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