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This web site will teach you how to keep your kids safe
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Finally. A Kids Safety Site created especially for Kids.
The Public Health Agency of Canada is committed to protecting children from injuries. That's why we've created a Web site that teaches kids how to take charge of their own safety. Whether they're on the playground, taking part in sports, or travelling on the road, kids need to learn how to protect themselves from injuries. They can become leaders by planning first, checking out their environment, being alert and wearing the proper gear. This site will teach your children these routines, as well as the logic behind them.

Intended Audience
This site was developed for children, lower socio-economic status, between the ages of eight and nine years of age skewed to boys as they tend to take more risks. The goal of the site is to develop critical thinking skills and empower children about safety issues.
Providing children with the skills to assess risk in situations and to provide them with the knowledge needed to make good safe decisions.

Your familly's privacy is a priority
The Public Health Agency of Canada will not use this Web site to collect any personal data on your child or your family. As part of an interactive game on this site, we will be asking your child to type in his or her name. This will allow us to create a Safety Certificate, bearing your child's name, which can be printed at the end of the interactive game. This information will not be saved anywhere in our system.

We want to hear from you.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions regarding this site, we want to know about it. Call us at (613) 952-1222 or drop us a line by email ( We'd love to hear from you!

Links and Online Resources for Parents.
General Resources.
Public Health Agency of Canada - Safe and Supportive Environments

Health Canada - Public Safety Publications

Canadian Health Network

Public Health Agency of Canada - Injury Reports

Safe Kids Canada

National Safe Kids Campaign

Canadian Institute for Child Health

Transport Canada - Road Safety

Canadian Paediatric Society

Water Safety.
Health Canada Swimming Pool Safety

The Canadian Red Cross Water Safety Services

National Safe Kids Campaign - Water

Winter Safety.
Check out the Ice:
When planning activities on lakes or rivers, check that the ice is smooth and at least 10 centimeters (4 inches) thick. Check with the local authorites for more information on ice thickness.

Understand that ice is often unpredictable:
  • Ice formed on moving water, such as rivers and creeks varies in thickness. Avoid walking on ice that is on or near moving water.
  • In spring weather, thick ice is not necessarily safe. During the spring melt, lines of impurities in the ice melt very quickly, creating weak spots.
  • Ice seldom freezes or thaws at an equal rate.
For more information on ice safety visit:
Calgary Health Regions - Cold Weather / Thin Ice

Health Canada Winter Sport Safety

Playground Safety.
Health Canada Playground

Canadian Playground Safety Institute Playground Safety Resources

Road Safety.
Health Canada In-line Skating and Skateboarding

National Safe Kids Campaign - Pedestrian

Bike Safety.
National Safe Kids Campaign - Bike helmet safety

Enfants et familles - Bien choisir son casque de vélo

Safe Kids Canada: Cycling Safety


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Last Modified: 2003-11-20 Important Notices