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Canadian Wildlife Service, Québec Region

Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS)
Québec region

Séparateur AD99
Nat. Wildlife Areas
Mig. Bird Sanctuaries
No-hunting Areas
Séparateur AD99
Lac Saint-François
Îles de la Paix
Îles de Contrecoeur
Cap Tourmente
Baie de L'Isle-Verte
Îles de l'estuaire
Pointe de l'Est
Cap Tourmente National Wildlife Area
Cap Tourmente NWA banner

American Bulrush tidal marsh and Cap Tourmente in the background. Photo: Léo-Guy de Repentigny.
Great Gray Owl. Photo: Guy Lelièvre, CWS.
Greater Snow Geese: Photo: Martin Deschênes.

Séparateur AD99

General informations
Biological ressources

Logo Ramsar

Ramsar Site


Purpose : : to protect the bulrush marsh, the main habitat of Greater Snow Geese during migration.
Feature Birds : Greater Snow Goose, Great Grey Owl, Peregrine Falcon, Ruby-throated Hummingbird.
Feature Plant : American bulrush.

This staging area for the Greater Snow Goose is a shining example of successful efforts to protect an essential heritage site. The population was only about 3000 birds at the beginning of the century, but is now near a million following, in part, the creation of the wildlife area through the purchase of the largest marsh of American bulrush, the goose's favourite food.

Visitor’s Guide for 2005 Season (PDF document)

Cap Tourmente National Wildlife Area
570, Chemin du Cap-Tourmente
Saint-Joachim (Québec)
G0A 3X0
Téléphone (418) 827-4591
Télécopieur (418) 827-6225
Courriel :


Association des Amis et amies du cap Tourmente (AACT)
570, Chemin du Cap-Tourmente
Saint Joachim (Québec)
G0A 3X0
Téléphone (418) 827-5527
Courriel :
Site Internet :

Regional activities

Centre d’initiation au patrimoine, * La Grande Ferme. Saint-Joachim, Québec

Corporation du Sentier des caps de Charlevoix

Festival de l’oie des neiges de Saint-Joachim

* Links to sites external to Environment Canada (EC) are provided as a convenience and their inclusion in no way implies that Environment Canada endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content or use of these sites. As the organizations that maintain these sites may not be subject to the Official Languages Act, information found on these sites may be presented only in the language in which it was written.

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Last updated: 2005-12-23

Important Notices

URL of this site: http://www.qc.ec.gc.ca/faune/faune.html