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Conviction for hunting migratory birds out of season

A Surrey resident has been convicted of hunting migratory birds out of season. This conviction follows charges laid under the Migratory Birds Regulations, made pursuant to the Migratory Birds Convention Act (1994) after an investigation by Enforcement Officers of Environment Canada's Canadian Wildlife Service in Vancouver, BC.

News Release

Charges Laid in Toxic Toy Case - Environment Canada Lays Charges Against Dynamic Toy Importers Ltd.

Environment Canada has laid charges under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA, 1999) against Dynamic Toy Importers Limited of Coquitlam, B.C. for allegedly importing, offering for sale and selling ozone depleting substances from 2003 through 2004.

News Release


Guilty Plea in Pennask Creek Pollution Offenses - BC Ministry of Transportation Ordered to Pay More than $46,000

The British Columbia Ministry of Transportation appeared today in Provincial Court and plead guilty to two counts under the federal Fisheries Act for depositing a deleterious substance into Pennask Creek. The Ministry was fined $1,000.00 and ordered to pay $45,000.00 to the Environmental Damages Fund for use in rehabilitation of the Pennask watershed. Additionally, the Court ordered that the Ministry conduct an ongoing monitoring program of water quality in the area.

News Release

Successful Enforcement Investigation Results in Court Fine Earmarked for Fish Habitat Protection

Donegal Developments Ltd. of Vancouver, B.C. appeared in Yukon Territorial Court (Whitehorse) June 29, 2005 and pled guilty to one count under Section 40(3)(f) of the Fisheries Act for failing to comply with the direction of an inspector regarding removal of containers holding 3300 litres of petroleum fuels and lubricants from within and adjacent to a fish-bearing creek.

News Release

Government of Canada Announces $1,754,205 in Funding for Habitat and Species at Risk in British Columbia & Yukon

Federal Environment Minister Stéphane Dion today announced a contribution of $1,754,205 toward 42 projects designed to help conserve habitat and species at risk in British Columbia and the Yukon . Funding is allocated under the Government of Canada's Habitat Stewardship Program (HSP) for Species at Risk.

“The projects funded this year will have lasting benefits for many species at risk, from the smallest plants and animals, right up to larger species like the Sea Otter, White Sturgeon, North Pacific Right Whale and Wood Bison” said Minister Dion. “Atmospheric change, pollution, invasive species, habitat fragmentation and human population growth are heavy stresses on species and ecosystems which is why the Habitat Stewardship Program is enabling Canadians to become actively involved in stewardship projects. The Program helps secure and restore healthy habitat for species at risk”, he said.

News Release

  Minister of the Environment
Check out the homepage of the Minister of Environment, the Honorable Rona Ambrose.


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Last updated: 2005-11-25
Last reviewed: 2004-11-30