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Atmospheric and Climate Science Directorate

AIRG Home Page

Contact Information


Adaptation and Impacts Research Group (AIRG)

The Adaptation and Impacts Research Group conducts research on the impacts of weather, climate and air quality on human health and safety, economic prosperity and environmental quality.

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The group also develops tools and methodologies to support atmospheric change impacts research and to support the evaluation of adaptation options and strategies to maximize positive and minimize negative impacts. A large component of Adaptation and Impact Research Group's research is carried out through regional, national and international partnerships and collaborations. Among these partnerships are the formal arrangements and co-locations with the University of British Columbia, the University of Waterloo and the University of Toronto.

Research Locations

Meteorological Service of Canada Downsview, Ontario

Meteorological Service of Canada Downsview, Ontario

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Sustainable Development Research Institute University of British Columbia

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Institute for Environmental Studies University of Toronto

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Faculty of Environmental Studies University of Waterloo

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Created : 2002-08-21
Modified : 2002-12-18
Reviewed : 2002-12-18
Url of this page : http://www.msc.ec.gc.ca

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