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CMC Library

[MSC - EC - GC

CMC Library

The CMC Library collects scientific and technical publications related to operational meteorology at CMC as well as on research and development activities of the Center. As well, the CMC makes available, as a courtesy, to the scientific community the results of that meteorology research.

Environment Canada respects the Official Languages Act and relevant Treasury Board policies, and is committed to ensuring all information on this site is available in both French and English. However, users should be aware that some information is available only in the language in which it was provided, such as internal technical papers, or peer reviewed articles that have been written for publication in one of the official languages. As well some information has been obtained from external sources where the organisations responsible for these may not be subject to the Official Languages Act; information found on these sites may be presented only in the language in which it was written.

For further information (in either official language) on this work, please contact the lead author identified.

Please use the following User: librarian and password: Books8 when accessing the library.

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Important Notices and Disclaimers
Created : 2002-08-23
Modified : 2003-03-04
Reviewed : 2003-03-04
Url of this page : http://www.msc.ec.gc.ca

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Environment Canada's World Wide Web Site.