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Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora

 Permit Requirements

Information Note


Appendix II


The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) helps to protect thousands of the earth's species of wild animals and plants by regulating the international movement and trade of these species.

American Ginseng
American Ginseng
(Panax quinquefolius) Appendix II

American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) and Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) are isted in CITES Appendix II. CITES controls apply to live plants, whole and sliced roots, and parts of roots. They do not apply to seeds or products manufactured, such as powders, pills, extracts, tonics, teas, and confectionery.

Please note that export of wild ginseng is prohibited.

How do I import into Canada?
If you wish to import an Appendix II species into Canada you will need a CITES export permit from the exporting country. A CITES import permit is not needed in this case.

How do I export from Canada?
To export an Appendix II species from Canada you will need a Canadian CITES export permit. Check with the government of the importing country to find out if they have import requirements.

Commercial shipments If you are a Canadian grower or broker of cultivated American ginseng or goldenseal and you export a large number of shipments each year, you can apply to the Canadian CITES Management Authority for a Multiple-Use CITES Export Permit. Holders of this permit are authorized to use photocopies of the original permit to cover all the American ginseng or goldenseal exports in one year, as long as photocopies bears the validation stamp of Canada Customs and one is returned to the Management Authority Office.

Frequent export of small quantities for personal consumption If you are a ginseng or goldenseal grower or a retailer that sells cultivated ginseng or goldenseal in small quantities to travellers that will need to export these, you can apply to the Canadian CITES Management Authority for a Multiple-Use CITES Export Permit. As is the case for commercial shipments, holders of this permit are authorized to use photocopies of the original permit to cover all the American ginseng or goldenseal exports in one year, as long as the photocopies bear the validation stamp of Canada Customs and one is returned to the Management Authority Office.

Are there any cases in which a CITES permit cannot be granted?
A large number of species are threatened or may be threatened by international trade, so strict rules are applied in granting CITES permits for these animals. CITES permits can be granted only if it can be shown that

  • the export and the import are not detrimental to the survival of the species;
  • the specimens have been legally obtained in the country of origin and legally imported into a country of re-export;
  • an Appendix I species will not be used for primarily commercial purposes.

Are there any other requirements?
If you wish to import live plants into Canada or another country, you may be subject to requirements under the Plant Protection Act and Regulations. For further information, please contact a Canadian Food Inspection Import Service Centre at (877) 493-0468 (Eastern), (800) 835-4486 (Central), or (888) 732-6222 (Western) or visit their Website.

You are required to correctly identify all goods being imported into Canada. With plant species and their parts and derivatives, this is best done using the scientific name of the species.

Where do I apply?

To import a species native to Canada or an exotic species (non-native), you can print the application forms available online on the Canadian CITES website (www.cites.ec.gc.ca) or apply to the Canadian CITES Management Authority at the address below.

Species native to Canada

  • For plants obtained from the wild, contact your provincial or territorial wildlife service (except BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Quebec, in these cases application forms are available online on the Canadian CITES website (www.cites.ec.gc.ca) or apply to the Canadian CITES Management Authority at the address below);
  • For artificially propagated plants, application forms are available online on the Canadian CITES website (wwww.cites.ec.gc.ca) or contact the Canadian CITES Management Authority at the address below;

To obtain a Canadian CITES permit to export an exotic species (a species not native to Canada), apply in all cases to the Canadian CITES Management Authority.

Application forms and additional information can be obtained from www.cites.ec.gc.ca or:

CITES Management Authority
Canadian Wildlife Service
Environment Canada
3rd Floor, Place Vincent Massey
351 St. Joseph Blvd.
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0H3
Telephone: 819-997-1840
Telefax: 819-953-6283
email: cites@ec.gc.ca