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Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora


Since January 15, 2000, WAPPRIITA authorizes the importation and exportation of CITES species without the requirements for a CITES Permits (WAPPRIITA Regulations). These exemptions are specified in the Wild Animal and Plant Trade Regulations . They apply for non commercial purposes only. The items cannot be sold or disposed of within 90  days after the date of import or export.

Canadian threatened or endangered species as listed on Schedule III of WAPPRIITA are not included in these exemptions. They still require all the necessary CITES permits.

Four exemptions are included in the law:

In all cases, we always recommend that you contact the CITES authorities of the importing or the exporting country to find out about their own requirements .


Whooping Crane
Whooping Crane
(Grus americana)
Appendix I