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CITES in Canada

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Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora

Stricter Measures

Some countries, like the United States and the European Union, enforce other regulations that are stricter than those of CITES for certain species. It is therefore important to check with the CITES Management Authorities of the importing and exporting countries to ensure that all measures have been taken to grant a safe journey for a specimen.

Similarly, in Canada, some provinces and territories do enforce additional legislation for certain species. It is therefore advisable to contact the relevant provincial or territorial authorities.

Even some municipalities may enforce bylaws regarding the keeping of exotic pets in captivity. Check with your local municipal authorities before you import any exotic animals.

Finally, when importing or exporting plants, animals, and/or their parts and derivatives, don't forget to contact the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) to find out whether there are any other requirements.