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MSC - Spokespeople

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David Wardle

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Dr. David Wardle obtained his Ph.D in Atmospheric Physics from Cambridge University, in England. He currently holds the position of senior research scientist studying ozone and radiation in the Air Quality Research's Experimental Studies Division at MSC. This division is the research centre for atmospheric radiation and ozone measurements in Canada and runs the Canadian Ozone Measurement Network which includes 12 monitoring sites. The first evidence of ozone depletion outside the polar regions was found in data from this network in 1987. In 1993, measurements of UV radiation by this group was the first scientific proof that UV radiation had been increasing due to ozone depletion. Dr. Wardle and his colleagues developed the Canadian UV Index program, a program which has since been adopted by many other countries worldwide. and invented the Brewer Ozone Spectrophotometer, an instrument used in Canada and 30 other countries to measure stratospheric Ozone and UV radiation. Dr. Wardle is an expert on precise measurement of solar radiation and ozone and also studies the severe ozone losses caused partly by greenhouse gases that have occurred in the Arctic.

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Important Notices and Disclaimers
Created : 2003-05-29
Modified : 2003-06-17
Reviewed : 2003-06-17
Url of this page : http://www.msc.ec.gc.ca

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