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MSC - Spokespeople

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Lucie Vincent

Research Climatologist with the Climate Research Branch, MSC

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Lucie Vincent is a Research Climatologist with the Climate Research Branch of the Meteorological Service of Canada. Her research interests include homogeneity testing, time series analysis, changes in climate observing programs, climate variability and extremes, and statistical climatology. She obtained her B.Sc. in Mathematics at the University of Sherbrooke and she completed her M.Sc. in Statistics at the University of York. Her major accomplishment over the last several years was the development and application of a statistical technique for the detection and adjustments of inhomogeneities in climatological time series. Her work has lead to the creation of the Canadian Historical and Homogenized Climate Database, which is now used by climate change researchers from national and international community. Her technique and homogenized datasets are used by a number of climate organizations including the Climatic Research Unit (University of East Anglia, UK) and the National Climate Data Centre (Asheville, US). A subset of the homogenized data is also integrated into the datasets regularly forward to WMO to meet Canada's GSN commitments.

Ms Vincent has published her research internationally in various climatological journals and she has been invited to present her work to diverse audiences. She is a recognized expert in homogenization of climate time series and climate trends analyses whose work has been cited in the IPCC Third Assessment Report. Ms Vincent is also a national spoke person on climate trends and variations in Canada, and on the effects of El Nino on Canadian climate.

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Created : 2002-08-23
Modified : 2003-06-17
Reviewed : 2003-06-17
Url of this page : http://www.msc.ec.gc.ca

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