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Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora

The Animals Committee and the Plants Committee

  • consist of regional experts,
  • advise and guide the Conference of the Parties (COP) and other committees on all the aspects pertaining to international trade in animal and plant species listed in the Appendices
  • assist the Parties in the preparation of educational material concerning the animals and plants listed in the Appendices,
  • invite observers to participate, but without a right to vote,
  • meet once a year.

Great Indian Hornbill
Great Indian Hornbill (Buceros bicornis) Appendix I
CITES Photo Gallery

The commitees comprise members representing the six regions defined by the United Nations and elected by the Conference of the Parties. The number of delegates depends on the number of Parties in that region.

  • Asia (2)
  • Africa (2)
  • North America (1)
  • Central America, south america and the Caribbean(2)
  • Europe (2)
  • OcĂ©ania (1)

Members of the Plant Committee during their last meeting in Malaysia in September 2001
Members of the Plant Committee during their meeting in Malaysia in September 2001.

List of members of the Animals Committee
Calendar of the meetings of the Animals Committee

List of members of the Plants Committee
Calendar of the meetings of the Plants Committee

Moreover each party is invited to participate as an observer, as are those nongoverment organizations who submit a request to the chair in advance.