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CRYSYS - CRYosphere SYStem in Canada


Principal Investigator:
Dr. Barry E. Goodison
Meteorological Service of Canada
4905 Dufferin Street, Downsview, Ontario
M3H 5T4
Phone: (416) 739-4345
Fax: (416) 739-5700
e-mail: barry.goodison@ec.gc.ca
CRYSYS Secretariat:
Ms. Natasha Neumann
Meteorological Service of Canada
11 Innovation Boulevard
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan CANADA
S7N 3H5
Tel: (306) 975-5688
Fax: (306) 975-6516
e-mail: natasha.neumann@ec.gc.ca

Co-Investigators: (included in the CRYSYS Proposal to NASA, April 30, 2003)


CRYSYS is an interdisciplinary science investigation involving over 30 researchers from across Canada. The planning and coordination of this group is carried out through a CRYSYS Project Office at MSC. In addition to official co-I's, CRYSYS also consists of a number of team members who are actively involved in CRYSYS research projects. Research results are reported annually at the CRYSYS science meeting, and at key science s such as International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, IGARSS, IAHS, AGU and AMS and Canadian symposia sponsored by Canadian Remote Sensing Society, Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society and Canadian Geophysical Union. CRYSYS results are also published in peer-reviewed national and international journal literature, and are summarized on the CRYSYS website. Investigators having responsibilities in addition to their scientific initiatives, are noted below.

Barry Goodison, the Principal Investigator, will be the key point of contact for this investigation, responsible for overall project direction and co-ordination of co-investigators contributions and associated MSC funding allocations. He will liaise with EOS and, through personal involvement, ensure CRYSYS is linked within major national and international initiatives (e.g. GEWEX, CLIC, GCOS). He will be the contact with the Canadian Space Agency for the cryospheric component in the Canadian Space Plan. He is a member of the WCRP Task Group on Climate and Cryosphere (CLIC).

David Barber is the CRYSYS contact for the C-ICE, CASES and ARcticNET projects. Responsible for identifying opportunities to CRYSYS investigators of field investigations on snow covered sea ice, particularly for remote sensing studies.

Monique Bernier provides coordination and liaison with Quebec operational agencies, particularly Hydro Quebec, and private sector remote sensing companies, and coordinates contributions of INRS-Eau.

Ross Brown is responsible for snow-related research related to in-situ datasets e.g. merging of in situ and remotely sensed snow information and development of snow data sets for evaluation of climate models and satellite algorithms, and acts in a coordinating role for the State of the Canadian Cryosphere website at the Canadian Cryospheric Information Network.

Margo Burgess and Sharon Smithare responsibile for the Geological Survey of Canada's permafrost monitoring networks and Canadian permafrost monitoring in support of the international projects CALM and GTN-P, for coordinating the permafrost component of Canadian GCOS, and providing advice to the PI on CRYSYS permafrost research activities.

Roger de Abreu is responsible for CRYSYS links to ice forecasting operations at the MSC/Canadian Ice Service, including data archives (e.g. analysis charts, freeze-up/break-up, weekly ice thickness) and for joint CIS/CRYSYS investigations requiring RADARSAT data. He provides the PI with advice on operational sea ice needs from remote sensing.

Mike Demuth is responsible for the NRCan-Geological Survey of Canada/DOE-National Water Research Institute glacier monitoring program in the Cordillera region and Arctic regions (Canadian Glacier Variations Monitoring and Assessment Network) and in support of international programs under the World Glacier Monitoring Service and GTNet-PG; for co-ordinating (with Roy Koerner) the glacier component of Canadian GCOS, and providing advice to the PI on efforts to define glacier monitoring networks/strategies for Canada. Demuth is the Canadian Correspondent to the World Glacier Monitoring Service of and the Canadian National Representative to the International Commission on Snow and Ice. Demuth is also the CRYSYS contact for the GSC/NWRI National Glaciology Program's Canadian Glacier Information Centre (located at NHRC in Sakatoon).

Chris Derksen is responsible for passive microwave SWE algorithm development, cross-platform homogenization of passive-microwave SWE data, and for studies using the homogenized data series (SWE monitoring and trend detection; identification of synoptic scale feedbacks between snow cover and atmospheric circulation; climate model initialization and evaluation).

Mike English is responsible for the linking of remote sensing and hydrology to document and understand the contribution and interannual variability of glacier melt contributions to river flow.

Richard Fernandes is the contact for CRYSYS investigators with CCRS.

Greg Flato provides the primary link between CRYSYS modeling activities and the ongoing development of the Canadian Global Coupled Climate Model, and especially the cryospheric components. He is chair of ACSYS/CliC NEG and provides a CRYSYS link to international modelling initiatives in high latitudes.

Kalifa Goita is responsible for developing improved passive microwave SWE retrievals over forested regions of Canada.

Roy Koerner Roy Koener is the CRYSYS contact for the GSC/NWRI National Glaciology Program Inventory, and co leads (with Demuth) the GCOS GTNet-PG. He provides advice to the PI on CRYSYS glacier research activities, and is responsible for coordinating (with Demuth) the glacier component of Canadian GCOS.

Ellsworth LeDrew is responsible for leading the CRYSYS-supported proposal to establish a Canadian Cryospheric Information System. He provides advice to the PI on university-related issues, including the development of NSERC collaborative network proposals on cryospheric science, as well as cryosphere-atmosphere interactions. He is General Chairman for IGARSS'2002 in Toronto and is organizing a special cryospheric session.

Natsha Neumann, the CRYSYS Secretariat, assists the PI in project coordination and is responsible for day-to-day project communication, organization of annual project meetings, calls for proposals, and maintaining the CRYSYS website.

Martin Sharp has taken responsibility to act as a GLIMS steward for three areas on Devon and Ellesmere Islands. He provides the PI with advice on glacier modeling research-related activities, and is a key contributor in ongoing efforts to define glacier monitoring networks/strategies for Canada.

Anne Walker advises the PI on the development and implementation of CRYSYS snow and lake ice activities, and especially the use of passive microwave data; responsible for preparation, interpretation and delivery of real-time SWE products to federal and provincial agencies and to MSC El Niño /La Niña website. Provides liaison for CRYSYS with NSIDC on snow products and is involved with NSIDC on development of new products, such as EASE-Grid and NISE; member of PoDAG (Polar User Advisory Group, NSIDC DAAC) and is CRYSYS contact with AMSR Instrument Team for snow algorithm development and validation. She is responsible for management and use of MSC airborne and ground based passive microwave radiometer systems for CRYSYS field experiments for snow and lake ice.

Other CRYSYS Team Members with defined responsibilities include:

Tom Agnew (MSC/CRB) - Responsible for coordinating the development of sea ice material for the State of the Canadian Cryosphere.

Bea Alt (Balanced Environments Associates) - Responsible for studies on the response of the Arctic cryosphere to the 1998 extreme warming; provides advice to the PI on Arctic data rescue.

Chris Burn (Carleton University) - Responsible for studies to understand the development of permafrost, especially flows of energy and water in frozen soils.

David Clausi (U. Waterloo) - Responsible for development of new sea ice classification methods at MSC/CIS.

Antoni Lewkowicz (U. Ottawa) - Responsible for permafrost geomorphology and hydrology; effect of global change on Arctic regions.

Scott Munro (U. of Toronto) - Responsible for improved measurement and modeling of shortwave energy exchanges over glaciers; maintains surface energy balance and meteorological measurements on Peyto Glacier for use in glacier process studies.

Joe Piwowar (U. Waterloo) - Responsible for planning the structure and networking components of the Canadian Cryosphere Information System.

Irene Rubinstein (U. York) - Responsible for the development and testing of theoretical approaches for simulating microwave emission and scattering by vegetation.

Roger Wheate (U. Northern B.C.) - Responsible for glacier monitoring in northern B.C.

Hok Woo (McMaster U.) - Responsible for scale considerations in Arctic snow cover information, and for hydrological investigations in permafrost dominated terrain; provides advice to the PI on Arctic snow hydrology issues.


  • R. de Abreu, University of Waterloo Ph.D. (1996-) In Situ and Satellite Observations of the Visible and Infrared Albedo of Sea Ice During Spring Melt.
  • A. Arendt, University of Alberta M.Sc. (1995-1997) Numerical modelling of the mass balance of high Arctic glaciers.
  • S. Boon, University of Alberta M.Sc. (1999-2001) Supraglacial hydrology of a high Arctic glacier.
  • D. Burgess, University of Alberta Ph.D. (1999-2003) Remote sensing of the flow dynamics and recent volume/area change of high Arctic ice caps.
  • L. E. Chasmer, University of Waterloo M.E.S. (1999-) Effects of Teleconnection patterns and meteorological conditions on spatial/temporal sea ice concentrations in the Odden.
  • C.H. Close, University of Waterloo B.E.S. (1999-2000) Statistical analysis of lake ice brightness temperature (SSM/I).
  • D. Clausi, University of Waterloo Ph.D. (1992-1996) Texture Segmentation of SAR Sea Ice Imagery.
  • L. Copland, University of Alberta Ph.D. (1996-2000) Hydrology and dynamics of a high Arctic glacier.
  • C. Derksen, University of Waterloo M.A.Ph.D. (1997-1998) Spatial/temporal variability of seasonal snow cover using passive microwave data.
  • D. de Sève, University of du Québec (INRS-Eau) Met. Service of Canada Ph.D.Post- Doc. (1995-1999) Development and validation of SWE algorithms for the La Grande River Basin using SSM/I passive microwave data. Development and validation of SWE algorithms from SSM/I passive microwave data.
  • D. Drai, University of Laval M.A. (1997-1999) Structural and stratigraphic characteristics of ice growing on shallow lakes using a georadar.
  • S. Drobot, University of Manitoba M.A. (1995-1997) Estimation of SWE for snow on sea ice.
  • Ali El-Battay, University of Québec (INRS-Eau) M.Sc. (1999-) Cartographie sous-pixel du couvert nival à partir des images du capteur VEGETATION de SPOT-4.
  • S. Fassnacht, University of Waterloo Ph.D. (1995-2000) Incorporation of weather radar-derived snow state information into distributed hydrological models.
  • T. Filewich, University of Alberta B.Sc. (1999-2000) High resolution isotopic and ionic stratigraphy of an annual snow layer, John Evans Glacier, Ellesmere Island.
  • R. Filion, University of Laval B.A. (1999-2000) Detecting changes in the areal extent of thaw lakes in the Old Crow Flats, Y.T. using Landsat MSS and TM data.
  • D. Flett, University of Waterloo M.E.S. (1990-1996) C-Band Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Signatures of Winter Sea Ice Conditions.
  • R. Fernandes York University Post- Doc. (1999-2000) Modelling of interaction of microwave radiation with boreal Forest canopy.
  • G. Fortin, University of Québec (INRS-Eau) Ph.D. (1998-) Modélisation de la création et de l'évolution des croûtes de glace dans le couvert nival.
  • K. Goita Atmos. Env. Service Post- Doc. (1996-1997) Development of SSM/I SWE algorithms for Boreal Forest environment.
  • L. Hamlin, University of Waterloo MASc (1994-1996) Snowmelt hydrologic modelling of northern wetland dominated river basins.
  • J. Hanesiak, University of Manitoba Ph.D. (1996-2001) Merging of remotely-sensed and modelled sea ice data.
  • I. Harouche, University of Manitoba M.A. (1999-2001) Microwave Radiometry and scattering over snow covered sea ice.
  • K. Heppenstall, University of Alberta M.Sc. (1999-2001) Natural tracer investigations of high Arctic glacier hydrology.
  • C. Hopkinson, Wilfrid Laurier University, M.E.S.Ph.D. (1995-1997) Reconstruction of past glacier extents & estimation of volumetric contribution to downstream river flow.Assessing hydrological model performance using Landsat TM, DEM and geochemical data in a glacierised mountain basin.
  • J. Iacozza, University of Manitoba M.A. (1995-1997) Inversion of geophysical and energy balance variables from microwave data.
  • C. Labine, University of Alberta Ph.D. (1997-2001) Climatology and energy balance of high Arctic oases.
  • S. Labrecque, University of Laval M.Sc. (1999-) Spatio-temporal dynamics of thaw lake systems.
  • M. Lafreniere, University of Alberta Ph.D. (1997-2001) Hydrology and flow routing as controls on the transport of organochlorines to a high alpine glacier-fed lake.
  • C. Lagacé, University of Québec (INRS-Eau) M.Sc. (1998-2000) Développement et validation d'une approche pour suivre le gel saisonnier du sol sur le bassin de la rivière La Grande à partir de l'utilisation conjointe d'images RADARSAT et d'images SSM/I.
  • F. Lenormand, University of Laval M.Sc. (1999- )Lake freeze-up and break-up dates as an indicator of climate variability and change in Canada.
  • D. Leverington, University of Ottawa M.Sc. (1993-1995) Mapping permafrost presence/absence and depth to late- summer frozen ground using Landsat TM and a DTM.
  • D. Mair, University of Alberta Post-Doc. (2000-2002) Dynamics of the Devon Ice Cap, Arctic Canada.
  • D. Martin, University of du Québec (INRS-Eau) Ph.D. (1994-1997) Transfer of spaceborne technologies to hydropower reservoir management: Application to snow cover monitoring in the James Bay area (Québec).
  • S. Martin York University/U of Dundee M.Sc. (1998-1999) Interpretation of passive microwave data from winter boreal forest.
  • P. Ménard, University of Laval B.A.M.Sc. (1999-2000) Modelling ice-cover on shallow lakes, Churchill, Manitoba (1997-1999)Modelling ice-cover formation, decay and thickness on shallow subarctic/arctic lakes: Model testing and improvements.
  • K. Misurak, University of Waterloo M.A. (1992-1995) Morphological Changes of a Deep Snow Cover on Multiyear Sea Ice.
  • Y. Moisan, University of Sherbrooke Ph.D. (1992-1996) Signal retrieval and change detection from multi-temporal ERS-1 SAR data by principal component transform.
  • M. Morassutti, University of Waterloo Post- Doc. Albedo of melting snow and sea ice.
  • C. Murdy, University of Manitoba M.A. (1997-) SWE over snow-covered sea ice .
  • T. Nichols, University of Manitoba M.A. (1995-1998) Sea Ice ringed seal suitability analysis using SAR .
  • C. Obretin, Université Laval M.A. (1997-1999) RADARSAT and ERS-2 backscatter of shallow ice-covered lakes.Microwave and optical remote sensing of ice-cover from large lakes in Canada.
  • T. Papakyriakou, University of Waterloo. Manitoba Ph.D.Post- Doc. (1999-) An examination of relationships among the energy balance, surface properties and climate over snow covered sea ice during the spring season.Surface energy balance of the North Water Polynya.
  • E. Peyser, University of Waterloo M.E.S. (1999-).
  • F. Pivot, University of Laval & Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille (France) Ph.D. (1997-2000), Université Laval Post-Doc (2001-) Passive and active microwave of snow in a subarctic tundra and forest landscape.
  • J. Piwowar, University of Waterloo Ph.D. (1991-1996) Hypertemporal Im age Analysis of Arctic Sea Ice Concentrations as an Index of Climate Change and Variability.
  • V. Roy, University of Moncton &, University of Sherbrooke M.Sc. (1999-) Snow Water Equivalent Retrieval Over Forested Landscapes - Algorithms Development and/or Refinement.
  • C. Schuster Wilfrid Laurier, University of Ph.D. (1997-) Runoff generation on a glacier surface.
  • F. Seglenieks, University of Waterloo MASc (1991-1994) Application of remote sensing and ground measurements to calibrate the hydrologic model WATFLOOD.
  • R. Sidjak, University of Northern B.C. B.Sc. (1995-1998) Glacier mapping using TM and DEM data.
  • M. Sitar, University of Waterloo M.E.S. (1998-) DEM mass balance modelling.
  • C. Smith, University of Waterloo M.E.S. (1998-1998) Passive Microwave Brightness Temperature Variability in the Mackenzie River Basin, Winter (1988)..
  • J. Smyth, University of Moncton M.Sc. (1998-1999) Statistical analysis of the Impact of Temperature and Vegetation Cover on Snow Water Equivalent Using SSM/I Data over New Brunswick and Southern Québec.
  • C. Stuart, University of Alberta M.Sc. (1998-2000) Mass balance reconstruction using shallow ice core measurements on high Arctic glaciers.
  • A. Thomas, University of Manitoba M.A. (1994-1996) Estimating surface albedo of sea ice from microwave scattering.
  • B. Tremblay McGill University Ph.D.-(1997) Sea ice modelling using granular media theory.
  • A. Utzschneider, University of Laval B.A.M.Sc. (1999-2000)- Monitoring lake ice freeze-up and break-up in the Mackenzie Basin: A comparison between SSM/I and CIS satellite-derived observations (1996-1999)Assessing the determinants of mean freeze-up/break-up dates and ice thickness for lakes of the Mackenzie Basin.
  • J. Vanderkruys, University of Manitoba M.A. (1999-2001) Distribution of snow on sea ice.
  • G. Whyte, University of Northern B.C. B.Sc. (1998-2000) Glacier extent monitoring with Landsat.
  • K. Wilson Carleton, University of M.A. (1996-) Extraction of ice motion from RADARSAT data.
  • T. Wohlleben, University of Alberta Ph.D. (1997-2001) Modelling glacier-atmosphere interactions in the high Arctic.
  • B. Xing York University M.Sc. (1999) Statistical analysis of snow cover parameters.
  • J. Yackel, University of Manitoba Ph.D. (1995-) Geophysical and electrical modelling of microwave data for estimation of SWE.
  • B. Yue, University of Waterloo MASc (1999-2000) SAR sea ice classification.
  • A. Zawadski Wilfrid Laurier, University of M.E.S. (1995-1998) Simulation of streamflow in glacierized catchments.
Meteorological Service of Canada - Environment Canada - Government of Canada

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Created : 2003-11-17
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