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MSC - Spokespeople

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For public weather inquiries contact MSC National Inquiry Response Team

For media who are interested in contacting any of the following spokespeople, please direct your inquiries to  our communications department contact: Kari Brintnell kari.brintnell@ec.gc.ca

Acid Rain Heather Morrison Science Assessment and Integration Branch
Air Quality Jeff Brook Climate and Atmospheric Research Directorate
Climate and Climate Change Impact Stewart Cohen Adaptations and Impacts Research Group
Climate Change Patti Edwards/
Elizabeth Bush
Science Assessment and Integration Branch
Climate in French Lucie Vincent Atmospheric and Climate Science Directorate
Climate Modelling Dr. Francis Zwiers Atmospheric and Climate Science Directorate
El Niño, La Niña Amir Shabbar Atmospheric and Climate Science Directorate
National Climate and Weather David Phillips Policy and Corporate Affairs Directorate
Ozone Science David Wardle Air Quality Research Branch
Ozone Science Tom McElroy Air Quality Research Branch
Seasonal Forecast Bob Whitewood Science Assessment and Integration Branch
Smog Fred Conway Science Assessment and Integration Branch
UV Angus Fergusson Science Assessment and Integration Branch
Wind Chill Wade Szilagyi Services Clients and Partners Directorate

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Important Notices and Disclaimers
Created : 2002-08-23
Modified : 2003-06-17
Reviewed : 2003-06-17
Url of this page : http://www.msc.ec.gc.ca

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