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Issue 22
July 18 2002

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The Freshwater Web site contains facts and information on the nature and extent of freshwater in Canada. Find out how to conserve and protect this precious resource in your home, school, business and community.

EnviroZine:  Environment Canada's On-line Newsmagazine.
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Source to Tap: Protecting Canada's Water

Mountain Stream. Photo credit: LeFebvre Water is the foundation of life. It is also something many Canadians have taken for granted in the past. Canada contains seven per cent of the world's total supply of renewable freshwater, and relies on the abundance of this natural resource for drinking, as well as for agriculture, industry and recreation and maintaining the health of our ecosystems. More...

Save Money and Energy by Choosing ENERGY STAR®

The International ENERGY STAR ® symbol Today there is an easy way to buy products that use less energy. If you are in the market for a major household appliance, home heating or cooling equipment, consumer electronics or office equipment, look for the ENERGY STAR® symbol. You may have already seen the symbol on certain computers to let you know that they meet strict energy efficiency guidelines, but there are many other products that bear the symbol. More...

Wetlands Recover from Oil Spills

Aerial photo of the experimental oil-spill site near Sainte-Croix, Quebec, during the first high tide. An experimental petroleum spill was staged in a marsh on the St. Lawrence River to learn more about the behaviour and biological effects of oil in freshwater marshes and to test and develop new counteractive methods for use in these fragile habitats. More...

 Weather Trivia Sun & Clouds 
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What are the major causes of water pollution and what is being done to prevent them?

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Get your feet wet in Environment Canada's water Web sites. And don't forget your sunscreen.

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A program in British Columbia shows businesses and communities what goes down the drain can affect their water quality.

And a rain barrel project can supply water for your lawn and reduce water use in the summer.

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