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La Niña

[MSC - EC - GC


This site contains comprehensive information on the past and present impact of La Niña on the climate of Canada and its effects on the global climate. Through animation, this site shows the changes in the Canadian climate and climatic extremes that accompany La Niña. Along with a scientific explanation of the La Niña phenomenon, comparisons between various La Niña and forecast of La Niña are provided.

What is La Niña
Description and animation of La Niña, the reason for the name, and a brief description of the antithesis, El Niño.
Canadian Effects
Specific impact of the phenomenon on Canadian provinces and territories.
Forecast and Current Status
Present state of La Niña and forecast of La Niña over the next several seasons. Climate forcast over Canada and the U.S.for the next four seasons.
Global Effects
General impact of the phenomenon on global weather patterns.
Comparing La Niñas
Chronological, numerical and graphical information on past La Niñas, and reasons for interest in the 1998-99 episode.
Further Reading
Suggested additional sources of information on La Niña.
Other Educational Sites

Other sites that may be of interest on a variety of meteorological topics.

Quick Facts

Additional Related Environment Canada Sites :

El Ni?o

(See also : Department of Fisheries and Ocean )

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Important Notices and Disclaimers
Created : 2002-08-26
Modified : 2002-12-19
Reviewed : 2002-12-19
Url of this page : http://www.msc.ec.gc.ca

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